Plant is wilting and has dark spots (pics included)


I am awfully bad at growing. This is my first plant and it's only been a few days since i got it yet its dying. I dont have a ph checker. I'ts currently in a closet with 3 sliding doors, 2 of them open enough for air flow as well as an open window in the room.

Check picture for the soil i used.

If you need any more info please ask



Well-Known Member
I've never seen anything like it. You'd have more chance of getting it started on the kitchen windowsill. All i can say is - what are u doing to that poor little thing? It must be sauna temp high, low rh, soil looks dry. It's on the floor on carpet. Just do an auto next time and the whole thing will be a 2 mth learning curve.


I think I'm fine on temperature, considering I'm in Southern California where it's pretty stable at 70-80 degrees. What's rh and what can i do about it? The soil is only dry for the first 2 inches, the rest is wet. Should i put it on a little table? Also what's an auto?

Like I said, i'm terrible at this.

no clue

Well-Known Member
rh = relative humidity. Auto = automatic flowering marijuana plant..which means the plant will start flowering without switching its light cycle to 12 hrs on/ 12hrs off

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
heres whats goin on. that plant is so small, and has such a tiny root structure that the pot is still damp while the roots are dry. you need to water round the plant's stem a little bit, like maybe a tablespoon every few hours till it's root zone is damp. that miracle grow shit is very spicy and unpleasant for a baby seedling like that, and can cause mild root burn. the "moisture control" componant is little beads of water grabbing gel, and a "wetting agent" (dishsoap like material) that doesnt do shit for plants at all. the water sucked into the gel beads is unavailable to the plants, and the soapy shit just makes your soil form a papery crust after you water. Miracle Grow soil is garbage. i only use it to feed my worms.

that plant will NOT recover in that shit!

go get some real soil, fox farms, pete's, roadside dirt, anything.

when you get back, draw a bath of lukewarm water in a dishpan, or your sink, wash the roots free GENTLY in that barely warm water, and plant the plant in fresh dirt in a pot half that size. water her in, and let her sit farther from the light, like a foot away, so she can recover. throw that miracle grow shit on the lawn, and hope she pulls through. dont give her any fertilizers or anything, just plain water. if she is gonna survive she will perk up in a day or so. if not, get a new clone, plant that clone in the smaller pot, and dont ever use miracle grow potting mix again. their fertilizers are ok, and some are even good, but their potting mix is pure garbage.