Plant issue - seems to be deficiency of some sort?


New Member
I am currently working with coco for the first time and use R/O water. I have several different strains and am also doing a side by side test with two different nutrients. All my factors are the same except the different nutes and am adding cal mag +
Recently started to notice a few distorted plant growth on some plants but did not pay as much attention to it as they were on some new clone stock I picked up...however, this issue has spread in some part to all of the different strains I have and is not specific to any of the two nutrient lines. Early on the cal mag was added at the rate of 10ml per gal and a few weeks ago was switch up to about 5-7 ml as per instructions on bottle for coco medium. Before, we also had a slight issue with a ph pen reading off a bit but not too far off...and up to then all plants were looking great.
My thoughts were some sort of deficiency in the mix but am not thinking it looks like cal/mag...maybe more like zinc from some online research I did.

Any one seen this before?? In the pics of veg growth you can clearly see the curling and texture issues...the same apparent issue in the flower room is evident as well.

Any help would be much appreciated...thanks!



Well-Known Member
From the very dark green color and the clawing of leaves you are feeding them tooooooooo much. Clawing is the most traditional sign of over feeding.


New Member
Yeah...this looks like it could be what is going on. Thanks for the link...the stange thing is that it is not affecting all plants(there are quite a bit of them) but as the article says "
The Claw often seems random, affecting leaves here and there"
So that is why I was somewhat dumbfounded. The ones more affected seems to be the clone stock and not any cuts from recent seed. We have a pretty standard feeding routine with a full strength mix for well established plants and a diluted down version for the younger ones anywhere from a 1/2 to 1/4. I will do some flushing and reset the feeding and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a bit of Nitrogen OD to me as well. I just did that to one plant of an unknown strain myself. Check out my "current grow". I got some pics. I got the "claw" and flushed it once and cut back on the nutes and everything got back to normal. No big deal.


New Member
when this occurs do you feed very light or just ph water?
Have not encountered this one before...typically I would just water with fresh R/O or a much lighter strength feeding. I was also out of town for a week and my intern was in control so there could have been some feeding issues in my absence.

From the very dark green color and the clawing of leaves you are feeding them tooooooooo much. Clawing is the most traditional sign of over feeding.
On a whole I do not believe that there is an overfeeding issue as all of the other plants are looking very nice.
veg happy.jpg
Like I mentioned above...looks like it is more acute and not systemic.