Plant issues indoor!!!!!!!!help please!!!!!!


Active Member
so i have a 1000 watt mh and am in the 3rd week of vegging. i did not expect this problem to occur seeing how my last grow in this room was perfect. my plant are getting huge and way too close to the light and moving the light is not an option. they are in a flood and drain system and watered 3 times daily. If anyone can help please do. the room is 8x10.

another question is in the 4th week of veg,right before flowering, would it help my yeild if i cut off some of the smaller bottom branches?


Active Member
bend the plants from the top and tie them down, DONT cut anything
just yet , try the 2nd week in to flowering, hope this helps BBXBEST.


Well-Known Member
I would tie the plants down now and keep doing so. You can do this gradually and it won't hurt the plant or break the steams... Remember that when the plant starts to flower it will grow even more in height this is why i suggest to start tying the branchs off now.

Good luck