Plant just showed sex and is'nt looking so good

Hi my plant just showed that its a female a few days ago but the leaves on the top look like they have to much nitrogen from the claw look of them(not sure if that's right i'm new its just what i've read) but the bottom leaves keep yellowing. This is the third set of fan leaves to completely yellow but its going from bottom up on the plant. This is the plant taking nitrogen from those bottom leaves right? Does anyone know how to fix this? The only nute i have used so far is bone meal



Active Member
What kind of soil you using? Personally id say to Transplant, Give it a good shot of nutes, and some Superthirve and give her a week to recover only watering when the pot is completly dry...Peace
The soil is completely dry when i do water and it doesnt look root bound and i have a have a bigger plant in the same size container doing great except its a hermie
I bought some organic soil and transplanted it and also added some nutes. About how long will it take for me to know if that was the problem?