plant lacking?


Active Member
So I can not get my plant healthy. Its a flood n drain setup, 150watt hps, using bottled drinking water and advanced nutrients. She is in flowering and probably has about 3 weeks or so left. The ph i check daily and does not change and the ppm is 856. I had the ppm a little higher, around 940 but she did not like that so I diluted the res to drop it back down. I think she is lacking something but I do not know what to do cause if I add any nutrients the ppm will raise. I attached a pic of a leaf, the upper and lower leafs are doing this. It starts on the edges and works its way inward. The other pic is of entire plant but its hard to see the leafs with the light and fans blowing. I did add some peroxide to the res but only a tiny bit because I started to get root rot, only about 1ml for 4 gallons of 3%. Room temp is kept around 70 with light on and 65 with lights off. Water temp is kept at 62. I am in need of advice.



Well-Known Member
They were def in N and Mg then you burnt them with overfeeding, the original problem wasnt underfeeding it was wrong ph, make sure its 5.8 .


Well-Known Member
Its a zinc deficiency. Problem with bottled water is it doesnt have micro nutrients. People dis tap water but id rather buy ph up and down and use tap water with micro nutrients, then BUY bottled water and have to buy micros. But yea almost every company that makes nutrients has a micro product. Good luck.


Active Member
Should I dilute the res and add a few mls of micro? I cant add it now or the ppm will be to high thats why Im confused on what to do.


Well-Known Member
I'm not familiar with advanced nutrients, but if you haven't been adding micro nutrients, then yes, dilute the res or do a res change and put in a balanced mix of nutrients to proper ppm and PH.