Plant leaf oozing?


Plant leaf has a small burnt spot, but what caught my eye is that its oozing water/liquid
Probably nothing but just curious. Have never seen this before

Amherst sour d in single dwc bucket
Ph 5.8
Advanced nutes
Res temp 67
630w cmh
DAy 3 of 12/12
Rh 50%
Day temp 75, night 68



Well-Known Member
The liquid is likely from guttation. Sometimes if you've recently used an oil based foliar and experience guttation shortly afterwards it can concentrate the oil and plants can burn in spots. I get a lot of guttation if I water in the evening which is sometimes my only option due to work schedule.


Active Member
I sometimes get moisture under leaves from the temp and humidity swings from night/ day. not sure if that is what is causing it or not?