Plant Leafs are curling down problem


New Member
Hey Guys

Bellow you can see the plant, the leaves are curling down. Also we have included the setup, currently only one fan.

  • 250w HPS
  • North Light
  • 2 Months Vegetation
  • Watering 1/2 litre a day (Perhaps not enough?)

The PH according to my cheap meter 7.3pH

Thanks guys

Scotty Pot Seed

Active Member
Maybe too much water. Only water it every day if it needs it. It will drink more as it grows but make sure your soil dries out a little so the roots can breath. They sell cheap moisture meters for soil at any hardware/gardening shop. Maybe 5/10 bucks.

You can stick the probe in a few inches and it will tell you how wet or it is. :)


Well-Known Member
I agree that pH is probably too high and to check it.

The bottom leaves also show potassium deficiency, but that could be from pH lockout.


New Member
Thank you for your input guys. How much watering do you guys suggest, also we'v started putting in lemon juice to try and combat the ph level but it has done little so far.