Plant leaves tips turning brown... HELP!


Well-Known Member
Ok so my plants leaves have been turning brown like this for the past few days. its in a 5 gallon bucket DWC. When i first saw it doing this i changed the water and that seemed to help the problem. but now a coulple days later the leaves are doing it again... any ideas what the problem is???? the color is more of a dark brown than light brown. the picture just looks like that.



Well-Known Member
its about a month old. in a dwc. i just changed the water. i was feeding it liquid karma and pureblendpro grow.


Well-Known Member
Do you Foliar feed? It looks like water drops formed at tips and lights caused burns to me.
nute burn tends to affect a bunch of the tips along the edge of the leaf not just the very ends


Well-Known Member
no i dont foliar feed. i was feeding by adding nutes to the res. today i checked the roots and it lookes like they are growing a bunch of new roots and like the old roots were dead or hurt. the roots closer to the top are brownish and the roots at the bottom are bright white...


Well-Known Member
I would just let it grow
Unless it gets worse it will probably be fine and was just
a temporary thing
From the threads here a lot of folks over react to things like this and flush too much, waste their nutes etc
I would not change anything but keep a good eye on it and wait for now
Is the new growth coming in OK?


Active Member
I had one of my White Rhinos that started to brown just like that, but not as much, and everything was fine. As long as your new growth is coming in nice and healthy im sure you will be all set. Good Luck! :joint::peace:


Active Member
hey man mines goin justlike that too but lil bit worse aye im trying to find out wat the problem is. mines buried in vermiculite with some growth a&b nutes