Plant left outside below freezing. What can I expect?

One plant got missed last night and spent the night out in the frost. I am worried about this plant. The leaves are largely translucent. I expect it will be severely damaged. Does anybody have any actual experience with this? What happened to your plants that got left out in the cold? The lowest temperature was probably -2C, 29F.

Thanks. I will post what happened regardless.


Well-Known Member
plants are made up of water and when water freezes, it expands. The cells in the plant were damaged and will not rejuvenate. Over the next couple of days, you'll see the plant in a state of decay until it becomes obvious it is lost.


Well-Known Member
plants are made up of water and when water freezes, it expands. The cells in the plant were damaged and will not rejuvenate. Over the next couple of days, you'll see the plant in a state of decay until it becomes obvious it is lost.

Now you must decide whether it is worth trying to salvage. Did any leaves survive?

If so, the plant may recover, but yield will be drastically reduced.

If it looks like a goner, consider making Cannabutter, and enjoy some edibles.(I'm assuming it wasn't anywhere near maturity. With a nearly mature plant, you can dry and cure it. If frost damaged, I wait until the buds are done drying before trimming.)
You know, this one time I went for a bike ride and asked my partner to put the plants in.... Other than being away once for 3 days, I have taken care of these plants every single day, inside, outside. Geez, I know it is useless to blame people for what is ultimately your own responsibility, but I asked over and over, 'are you sure they're all in?'. I didn't want to open up the room and check, and it seemed extreme to go for a walk and search around to make sure they were not outside. At 1 a.m. when we were in bed it was still bothering me and I said, I'm getting a headlamp and going out there to take a look. "No, no! They are all in! I'm sure." So I did not go out.

Here's the message: Follow your instincts, listen to no one.

That probably goes for having a bad feeling about just about anything. Dot the i's, cross the t's. Double check, triple check.

I can't let go of it but I have to pick up the pieces and move on. You know, it could be a lot worse, it could be a kid or a dog. It is amazing how attached you get to every single one of these beautiful plants. I am surprised at how much this bothers me.

I will report back regardless. There are a few surviving big old leaves, but it looks like almost every leaf is dark and translucent, and they are looking worse than they did when I picked the plant up this morning, not better.

Thanks for responding.


Active Member
idk i think some of the leaves could have not frozen but I'm just talking out of my ass az i have no real experience with this situation


Well-Known Member
How bad does it look? I've had it snow on a plant and suprisingly it lived to grow some balls!
Throw some photos up if you got em'.
Hey blackie, just a little tip with this.. start paying attention to the weather reports and prepare just in case. if there is a slight chance of a lil frost get a thick black garbage bag and put the bag over it to keep in the heat . Did u plant into the ground? or just kept them above ground in planters?