plant looking terrible need help!


Well-Known Member
iono, I would say they look light starved, but that's probably not the issue.

Did you take a pair of scissors to them at some point? They look like they are missing a ton of fan leaves for them being that tall. They should be bushy, but they look like they've been hacked at.


Well-Known Member
Could be a soil problem.... but that plant just looks starved. Like it's missing too many fan leaves, so now it's eating itself.

I've grown quite a bit outside, and growing outside is the easiest, since mother nature takes care of all ph or soil or nute issues. So I doubt that is the issue.

Unfortunately that plant is in trouble, it just doesn't have any foilage to support it.


Well-Known Member
Good deal, it's all about getting better at it! Next time, be VEEEEERRRRRRY careful about cutting ANYTHING off your plant. Greener is ALWAYS better. Most people would be better served by literally planting, and just walking away and coming back 3 months later. Especially outside as it would help temp the urge to tinker. I don't mean to preach, I apologize if it comes off that way.

While you're at it with the food, I would suggest you starting another one right next to her. I don't think there is much of anything you are going to do to bring this one back. At least that way you won't have all your eggs in one basket.

Original, Erb

Well-Known Member
cheers for the help guys i really appreciate it :) im not sure but i read up on it and it says it could be overfed as the leave as curling over sideways? its got brown tips, im not to sure on the ph but it shouldnt be to bad as its composted soil, this is my first grow and it isnt going very well, im going to try my best to save her because a couple of days ago it looked like this.

