plant looks tired...


Well-Known Member
im growing the plant for 2 monthes on 24h light,now befor
im going to flower it on 12-12 i tghout it's a good idea
to give it a few days of 18-6 befor going on 12-12.
but after one day of 18-6 the leafs are going
down and it looks "tired" or streched.
is that normal?
if not,what to do?


Well-Known Member
mine actually did that too. not sure why but it turned out fine, i think its just something the plant does. it should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Plants often look a little saggy right after watering. They also droop a little during dark periods like they are sleeping and perk up with the light. I don't know how this would apply to your case, though, since they've never had dark before this.


Active Member
if the soil is really dry and your leaves are drooping then they prolly need watering. if the soil is really wet and they are drooping then you most likely over watered. some plants i have seen droop couple hours before lights go out then the next day they are right back up again. Prolly nothing to worry about.