Plant looks very ill after repotting

I repotted my 4 babys yesterday, the 3 small seedlings look fine, but my 1st plant dont look so good it was alot larger than the other 3 although still a seedling.
It has just got its 1st set of 5 leaves, I know I should have repotted sooner but I didnt have my soil.
Anyway it has gone very pale and the 2 largest leaves have curled in on themselves and started pointing up, there is also sandy coloured patches appearing on the leaves.
There was some root damage during the move, will this be O.K I know its takes a few days for them to recover but I'm really wooried about her, shes my 1st plant?
I have pics on my Blackberry but I'm not sire if its safe tp post from my fone .
Any help or advice wiil be appreciated


Legal Moderator, Esq.
If you had root damage (which is what I was gonna say) then you should get some superthrive and wait it out. Superthrive is basically Vitamin B12 and some growth activator and stimulants. It's basically a stress cure. That's the best I can give ya. A drop or 2 of that and you should be good to go.
it's gotta be the same medium, same nutes.
I used a better soil in the new pots , the soil they were sprouted in had no nutes, I assume this will initally add to the shock of the plant but will be better in the long run. I will be using the exact same soil mix throught now only repotting once.


Active Member
As long as it's not Miracle-gro, it didn't kill them but i litterally poisoned them. New right, go to buy soil pick up this stuff, plant 'all' three nice ladies and then i read it's no good for weed, well the hard way, they got a bunch of real wild growth and even after extra flushing the weed tasted like shit. Just babbleing, cheers.
Hi guy , My largest palnt is still looking very ill the bottom set of leaves have crisped up at the end and is very yellow, the foliage at the top looks ok a bit stressed but nothing major.
Would I be better to trim the damaged leaves off or just leave it?