plant looks very sick.. PLEASE help

3 weeks old from seed.bubbleponic setup, 150w hps bulb 12" away from canopy. my ppm started at 400 ( for the 3 week old mix ) and seems to be going up to around 425 3 days later. ph is right around 6.0. the other two plants growing in the same setup seem to be doing much better in size and health although they are starting to get yellow dots on them. but the leaves on this little girl are getting crisp and turning upwards in a wavy way. yellow spots also. temp is right at 82degrees.

thanks in advance, sorry if this is roll it up though right????



Hey mason. I cant view those pics well on my phone but i can tell you yellow spots are nuet burn. Flush your system. They look a little bit drownd. Do you have a growing medium between hydroton. Where do u live humidity is a problem especially with hydro.. if theyre crisp put a thermomater on top of the plant hold it to get a accurate temp. Because hps is only for flowering your probably burning them go get an mh conversion bulb. Also wht brand ph tester. I failed at hydro b.c. i didnt have a 140 dollar meter. Lol seriously tho i stick with soil and my buds are thicker than most hydro and just if not more dank. Thd only good hydro in my opinion is ebb and flow flood system. Any way humidity is a prob for me around chicago whoops i mean legal michigan be e z
Thanks for the help.. I recently bought a cwp instruments ph/ppm/ water temp combo. Ph was at 6.5, which is high from what I've read. Have adjusted it to 5.8 and after 4 days ppm has dropped from 390 to 275 which is a great sign. New growth looks awesome, with no yellow spots. I was also foliar spraying the plants with distiller water (not quite sure why) but I was doing it with the light on. I have also read that is a bad idea. My humidity is 50%, and rock wool for medium. Soil is not really an option, Bought a super locker setup which is pretty nice. Now that I've got ph and ppms under control,I think I'm shittn in tall cotton. Once again appreciate the help.


New Member
Most made newbie mistake other then over-watering, over-nuting. BURN. Don't use half the recommended nute strengths, don't use 1/4 the recommended nute strength, use 1/8 the recommended nute strength and work your way up. You hydro guys track this by ppm i guess, and I imagine 400 is way too high for 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
It looks like the same problem I had on an older grow.. Did you spray water on the leaves by any chance? That had the same type of effect your plant seems to show..


Active Member
i allways spray my leaves. usually with spray n gro. but i NEVER do it with lights on. i go in with a green light, and foliar em. i just went out last night, to my three outdoor jack herers, and hosed the shit out of em. lol. they loved it!!