Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions


Well-Known Member
Hello all, i am leaning towards Iron defeciency(see picture). I am growing in Royal Crown Coco and I am using Advanced Nutrients Micro-Grow-Bloom at 20ml per 14 liters and Advanced Nutrients SensiCal at 10ml per 14 liters. I thought this was sufficient nutirents, however I am starting to think I may need to bump up the dosage...any thoughts?

My apologies, I did not mean to post that in this thread, wasn't paying attention.
Uncle Ben,

I had moisture stress problems with my plant and I read every single post in this thread over the past few days that helped me correct the problem. I wanted to thank you for your common sense botanical insight. Your ability to share it with other growers makes this thread different than the others.


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Uncle Ben,

I had moisture stress problems with my plant and I read every single post in this thread over the past few days that helped me correct the problem. I wanted to thank you for your common sense botanical insight. Your ability to share it with other growers makes this thread different than the others.

Thanks for taking the time for sharing your kind thoughts! Sharing is what it's all about. I take a no-bullshit approach.

It's a weed, treat it as such and it will return many a fun time. :D Load it up with alot of crap you see hawked by vendors and their tools, and you're doomed to failure.



Active Member
Thanks for taking the time for sharing your kind thoughts! Sharing is what it's all about. I take a no-bullshit approach.

It's a weed, treat it as such and it will return many a fun time. :D Load it up with alot of crap you see hawked by vendors and their tools, and you're doomed to failure.


Please help me UB, about a week ago I transfered these to 5 gallon buckets since the leaves were cupping due to being root bound. Ever since the repotting I noticed the leaves curling even more and I read your stuff and am pretty sure im overwatering in these new bigger pots. But my main question is what the heck are the little spots? I doubt its a PH issue since I have many plants that get the same water/nutrient mix and they are all fine plus im pretty anal about PH testing my water. Can you please help me? I thank you in advance.


I doubt its a PH issue since I have many plants that get the same water/nutrient mix and they are all fine plus im pretty anal about PH testing my water. Can you please help me? I thank you in advance.

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From a new student in the UB school of NO BS, I think it's still recovering from rootbound and overwatering (and maybe pH as well, which those spots might be related. Maybe not). Each plant uses salts at different rates, and each soil can decompose at different rates. Thus it gives you a varying range of pH among different soils that receive the same pH water. Something happens in the soil matrix where it is buffered at different rates (i.e. diff. temps). Test the soil runoff when its' ready to be watered next time and see if that might be an additional problem. I would not fix anything until you have the rootbound and moisture stress under control first.

Then again I could be wayoff, as I am only a new enrollee in the UB school of NO BS.


Active Member
Thanks, you sound spot on. I was thinking the same thing. I was just asking UB since he seems to know what it is and how to fix. I will try testing the run off water and adjust from there. They are currently on a no water diet since wed. I think my problem started with watering too much to make up for the bigger pot earlier than my roots were ready for it. I think my spots are some kind of lack of absorbing something due to too much water.
ok. I'm pretty sure i know my problem. I'm just after some confirmation. I think my girls are telling me that im nuking them (nute burn)Here we go. In week 5 of flower. grow in coco (micks mix) girls under 600 hps and using dutch master advanced flower at full strength. I just flushed and made new resi up with full strength again and added Boontabud and dm max flower. about 4 days in my girls leafes are like this. This is probebly one of the worst leafes affected. So far it's only on bottom 1/2 of plant but it looks like it is creeping up.

My q is this. Will the less affected leaves make a recovery? And is it nute burn?

The only new thing in mix is boonta. The other variable can think of is temp change in res.Seeing that it is outside undercover and getting colder nights. Possible drop out?

I'm putting my $ on nute burn but like i said. i just want confirmation.Sorry if i wasted anybody's time. It's just i want to know my problem before i attempt to fix it caus i don't want all my hard work to go to waste. Many cheers in advanc!!

P.s i don't know what the room temp is at caus my reader broke and i don't have a ppm reader either. But i do know it is pretty constant with lights on caus i spend alot of time with my girls.:-o

pps. Awsome thread and info! Cheers to all who contributed!



Active Member
How are they holding up Stanky?
Hey brother, the leaves are starting to uncurl a bit. I havent watered them since the beggining of last week when I posted this. Seem to be improving with the soil geting dryer. Cant wait till the soil is dry so I can get the PH right again. The little freckles are still on the leaves but I doubt they will ever go away.

Is our Uncle on Vacation? lol

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Please help me UB, about a week ago I transfered these to 5 gallon buckets since the leaves were cupping due to being root bound. Ever since the repotting I noticed the leaves curling even more and I read your stuff and am pretty sure im overwatering in these new bigger pots. But my main question is what the heck are the little spots? I doubt its a PH issue since I have many plants that get the same water/nutrient mix and they are all fine plus im pretty anal about PH testing my water. Can you please help me? I thank you in advance.
Howdy, been busier than a one legged man in an ass kickin' contest. Guess it's time to catch up. Regarding your concerns.....

pH is only relevant when it comes to nutrient availability, has nothing to do with moisture stress. A rootbound condition will not usually show up as leaf curl unless you're not watering your plant enough, or properly. Could be dry channels in the soil medium if you let them go too long without a thorough drench. Don't get me wrong, if it's severely rootbound then yes, the stress may show as leaf curl, but I doubt if that's likely in your case.

Leaf spotting can be due to several issues. If you have thrips, aphids, mites or any other insect which gets its nourishment by sucking moisture out of a leaf, then it will create spots as it bites/sticks. Most times leaf spotting is a reaction to too much salts. Can't help ya unless I know the NPK's, frequency, amount, etc. I don't go by labels, they are meaningless in the real world.

A 5 gallon pot is pretty big, but if you had root spin-out before you upcanned, then the roots should fill the pot pretty quickly....all depends on plant vigor, health, soil structure, etc. No easy answer. If you have spin-out, you can mechanically induce root branching by scoring the rootball with a sharp knife or razor blade. Starting at the top of the ball and working to the bottom, score the rootball about 1/2" deep, four times around it. Make sure you concentrate on slicing thru the spin-out at the bottom.

skunkyhead, once leaf damage is done, it's usually permanent and will not recover. Focus only on what the new growth looks like as to whether or not you took the right corrective action or not.

cya ~


Active Member
Thank you UB. THe NPK ratio im useing right now is 6-50-30 2 times a week out of 4 waterings. Basically every other watering. Im pretty sure im bug free. I guess its off for some clearex. I hope a good flush with the clearex will get rid of the built up salts. Then I will start a watering cycle that includes the clearex. I dont wanna take out the rootball since I already transplanted it. The flower growth has been good so I really just want to focus on the health of the leaves for these last 4 weeks of flowering.


Can any one tell me what may be wrong all the way to the right my other 2 seem more than fine my ph is 6.0 maybe a little lower and ive been using fox farm hydro veg nutes. ebb and flow watered 3 times a day for 15 min and i have an led so there no way that its too much light so if u guys have any suggestions let me know
Cheers Ub! Going to have to pick your brain one more time.... In week 6 of flower now. Would be safe to say that my new growth would pretty much only be bud leaf? Many cheers for your all your input :)


Hi people,
ok i'm a grower with experiance and know how and i'm stumped.
The plants are in 6in rockwool in 4x8 trays. EBB FLOW 4X A DAY 15 MINS EACH CYCLE ONLY DURING LIGHTS ON CYCLE.
Two weeks into bloom with three part gh and liquid karma and bud candy the ph is 5.8 and the ppm is like 1300 1500 the plants looked great and i flushed them to trans to aggresive bloom and this is what thay did. I've never seen leaves do this curling up then down??????? I'VE HAD THEM FLUSH FOR 2 DAYS NOW AND THE PROBLEM IS ONLY GETTING WORSE. I DON'T WANT TO ADD ANY FERTZ RIGHT NOW BECAUSE THEY LOOK SO STRESSED. I DID RUN OUT OF THE BUD CANDY SO I GAVE THEM SOME MOLASSIS (IM SURE I SPELLED THAT WRONG) THE UNSULPHANATED KIND. I DON'T KNOW IF THAT MIGHT BE THE PROBLEM????
I'm hoping there overwatered and have taken them off water and wanted to know if anyone has seen this before or has an idea. LASTNIGHT WAS THE FIRST NIGHT WITH NO WATER, MY LIGHTS COME ON AT 9PM SO I'LL SEE WHAT THE GIRLS LOOK LIKE IN THE AM.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Can any one tell me what may be wrong all the way to the right my other 2 seem more than fine my ph is 6.0 maybe a little lower and ive been using fox farm hydro veg nutes. ebb and flow watered 3 times a day for 15 min and i have an led so there no way that its too much light so if u guys have any suggestions let me know
I don't do hydro, but I do do botany - they look stressed, stunted. What is your NPK values? Also, many times an "aw shit" like this will not recover, so look to new leaf production to see what gives.

Cheers Ub! Going to have to pick your brain one more time.... In week 6 of flower now. Would be safe to say that my new growth would pretty much only be bud leaf? Many cheers for your all your input :)
Yep, with small fan leaves and single leaf production. Just remember, it's leaves that produce your bud, keep them healthy and green up to harvest.

Hi people,
ok i'm a grower with experiance and know how and i'm stumped.
The plants are in 6in rockwool in 4x8 trays. EBB FLOW 4X A DAY 15 MINS EACH CYCLE ONLY DURING LIGHTS ON CYCLE.
Two weeks into bloom with three part gh and liquid karma and bud candy....
So what's the real scoop? What's the NPK values that your plants are seeing? How's the root system?



Active Member
Thank you. I thought those spots were a magnesium problem. Now I see how it all plays together. Is there a perfected nutrient product for flowering out there? I would love to find the best NPK ratio for the whole flowering cycle.
Cheers again ub! :) I'm doing my best to keep my girls happy.they are getting close to harvest. 3-4 weeks stab in the dark. Hate to see it all go to shit now!