I name my plants, but I'm sure not the way the OP meant. I name them systematically for purposes of tracking in my journals. My two current girls are named 20110829a and 20110829c, for the date and sequence they were germinated. 20110829b was a male and contributed pollen to both. It's easy for me to go back in my journals (the initial entry date is right there) this way if I need info on source, parents, etc. and trace it all the way back to the original parents if I need to. Before I lost my last stash of seeds, I had lineages going back almost 8 years (to the last time I lost my seed stash). I know there are probably folks on here that have more impressive lineages for their plants, but oh well. It's the science geek in me, I guess, just like I think it takes another kind of geek to name or sing to their plants. Geek is good, though, don't get me wrong.