Plant not buddding.. please help

I have a plant about 5 ft now and its about 5-6 week and still no bud... they do kind of curl under as per i just flushed and watered them with plain water can anyone help me out.. also it is a type of haze overall looks healthy and green any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
After 5-6 weeks of having your plants at 12/12 it still isn't budding? Is that what you are saying?

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Do you have it outdoors, or you saying you switch to 12/12 indoors and no sucess? If it's outdoors, you could have a late flowering strain. Some don't flower til early-mid sept and will go til november, so be prepared if that's the case and u are outdoors! If it's indoors, there's no reason why after 5 weeks u shouldn't have buds. Light could be leaking in from something else that keeps them in veg? You'll have to post pics of the plants, your grow enviornment, and explain a bit more about it. That'll get you some great feedback.
yea sry.. i did veg for 7 weeks then flower.. and it is currently entering it's 6th week of flowering(budding) and still no bud. they are indoors under 400 w.. could i possibly put 24hrs dark and start 12/12 cycle again? here are the pixs i have notice top leaves do curl under thats why they look slim

the 4th pix is my main cola i just tide her down



Well-Known Member
way to tall for a 4 hundred they look way to stretched and under nourished on top of that it kinda looks like u have mites. u wont get anything worthwhile and would be better off starting over. sorry but thats my honest opinion cut ur losses and get on with ur next better grow


Well-Known Member
I don't think thats mites, you would see the webs under the leafs and such by now. I think you have a PH problem, and I think you may have too much nitrogen, excess nitrogen will delay flowering. There could be any number of things wrong with this plant, still so little info about you grow here.


PH of your water / what type of water
Nutes.. are you using them?
Size of the pot?
type of soil?
help me out here.


Active Member
Um wow.... Those pictures Are these seeds from a sack of haze you got? Maybe the genetics are just shit I have had a similar plant where it never wanted to bud... Like once I throw a plant outside where I live year round, it will show sex in 2 weeks max... This plant I had grew like it was in veg for 2 months until i chopped it because it was the biggest waste of time ever.

LikeTHT said Need some more info.... The easiest way to diagnose a problem with growing is to honestly know every single detail on the grow process and supplies.
Hope we sort this out =/


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen overdose. While they're may be a light leak, it's the nitrogen that keeps the plant wanting to stay vegging. Flushing was the right idea, as well as checking for light leaks. That's about all you can do for now, except wait, and stay away from veg ferts. :)
thx for the help guys.. um well to be honest i thing the place where my friend f=got the seeds is pretty shitty.. 3 were males and this one turned out fine till now..

PH of your water / what type of water: ph of my water is usually around 6-7 before nutes i am using distilled water but was using PURE for infants
Nutes.. are you using them? i was using tiger bloom and started noticing the yellowing so i flushed and i am now only using water
Size of the pot? 5 gallon
type of soil? ocean forest
help me out here.

the nodes were tight so i decided to raise it high but like pickle man said it did stretch a bit too much.. im thinking the curling can be due to heat but i usually have a circulating fan and closet door open when light is on.. also some of this nute burn can be old because i have had this problem before but i have since tried adjust and putting less nutes than recommended..
i do intend to improve the conditions for the next grow since this is my first grow and will be ordering from attitude and pickle man i appreciate the honesty but i might as well wait till she gives me all she has since i put all my sweat and time into her ass
I also see a potassium deficiency and possibly, but less likely, a manganese deficiency. Because you are using nutes i think It must be a ph lockout problem. I think the excess nitrogen can also lock out the potassium, but thats a fuzzy memory. the other posts are right on with their recommendations. Flush, lay off the nitrogen, fix light leaks, and get some bloom nutes in there.


Well-Known Member
Check the ph of your water AFTER nutes. I use tiger bloom at 1/4 strength and it drops my pH down to 5.4ish. This is from pH 6.4 water. I just fed my plant today actually.