Plant not drinking, any solutions?


Currently I have 7 ladies going all in veg. All of them are doing wonderful and look great so far except for one. Appearance wise, it looks fine, just smaller then the rest of them. It is the strain Kush Berry. The rest of the ladies are all around 6", while Kush Berry is more like 3". I have also noticed that every time I need to water, the only one with soil that still visibly looks and is wet is Kush Berry, leading me to believe that it is just not drinking which also could account for it's small size. The picture I attached shows what the soils look like. One is Kush Berry and it's soil still wet, the other is Blue Cheese, just for comparrison on how it's soil looks when they were both watered at the same time.


i would let it dry out before touching that plant. when it drys out more it will start to want the water, starve it a little. I just worry that it could have root rot if it stays in water for to long. Their is still hope, when the water drys up the plant will make new growth and get back on track.