Plant not growing and standing upward?


Active Member
My baby is about 5-6 days old and hasnt grown in 3 days. I am using 2X 40 w and 3X 24 w cfl.
(working on picture now)

Temperatures : sadly its very hard to control where i live, its about 82-86 with lights on
78-81 lights off

PRoblems: 1) all my leaves stand vertical. but the plant is green
2) doesnt grow at all

Strand: White W from nirvana


Well-Known Member
that poor baby, cut your lights in half.sounds like it cant handle the heat and that much light being so new. this should also help with temps.


Active Member

SORRY pict 1-2 are the same. Well the leaves started going down when i turned 2 of the cfl lights off.
But as u can still see, the little guy is so small. He hasnt grown at all in 3 days :(


Active Member
i have the same prob, but worse. its ouside about an inch taller but hasnt grown in about 10 days. doesnt look dead or anything, i have another the same age on its fourth set of leaves. not sure whats goin on.sorry for not helping you AT ALL :)


Active Member
one bulb will do. for now. and let's get some sorta reflector going. you're losing alotta light.
hmm. where do i need reflector? cause i already rapped the whole place in reflector. is there somewhere specific ur looking at?

RECENT REPORT: MY baby grew overnight! I took 2X 24 cfl bulbs off, and got an extra fan. It started growing at 81-82 degrees! hehe . doesnt look taller, but the leaves for sure are longer


Active Member
Your seedling just broke ground and looks exactly like it should. Chill out dude. Your question is like a woman having a baby and asking why its not a teenager yet the next day.


Well-Known Member
your not supposed to use any reflectors with cfl's. You lose most of the light intensity using a reflector with them. Some people give horrible advice. You are not using too much light for that seedling. If you were the leaves would have burnt spots. It looks in perfect health and is reaching for the light. Seedlings don't grow that fast. usually they stretch if you have the light too high and you don't so that is good. It takes a little while for the leaves to separate and start to grow new leaves. After about 3 weeks you should have 3 leaf sets and your first 5 or 7 point leaf. Again...there is NOTHING wrong with your seedling.


Well-Known Member
your not supposed to use any reflectors with cfl's. You lose most of the light intensity using a reflector with them. Some people give horrible advice. You are not using too much light for that seedling. If you were the leaves would have burnt spots. It looks in perfect health and is reaching for the light. Seedlings don't grow that fast. usually they stretch if you have the light too high and you don't so that is good. It takes a little while for the leaves to separate and start to grow new leaves. After about 3 weeks you should have 3 leaf sets and your first 5 or 7 point leaf. Again...there is NOTHING wrong with your seedling.

exactly how does using a reflector with CFLs lose intensity? it doesnt make sense to me. now, im not saying you are wrong or anything but id really like to see some proof to back up your statement. Ive done some minor research on this and have found nothing that supports your claim and theres PLENTY of talk about CFL with reflectors here on this very forum, in fact theres a DIY tutorial