Plant Number Under 400W Tga Flav, Next Gen Dynamite, Secret Valley Northern Flame

Hey guys, I am starting my first indoor grow.

Basically, I am growing under a 400w light with regular seeds and am not sure how many to run with, currently I have 4 seedlings of The Flav that are 1-2 weeks old, a week old seedling of Dynamite and a freshly popped Northern Flame.

My grow space is 4x4 (I got equipment for a 600w setup, but when I had to downgrade the light I thought it best to keep everything compatible with the 600 so I could upgrade in future easily) and essentially I am wondering how many plants I should grow. I have some bag seed that I have ran outdoor and comes up pretty nice, so I could pop one or two of them as well.

I basically want to know what an ideal number of plants would be under this lighting in this space, bearing in mind they are regular seeds so only about half will turn out female. I am aware that plant numbers are dependent on veg time, so I should point out that I am looking to get away with the fewest amount of plants possible, but to reap this harvest before my last outdoor harvest runs out I cannot really afford to veg the plants for more than 5 weeks.

I am thinking that if I were to veg for 5 weeks and only get 3 females that I would probably struggle to yield much more than 4 ounces. Realistically I need to yield about 5 ounces to last me between harvests and cover the cost of electricity/nutrients/etc. I am growing in coco and perlite if that matters.I know you can't really plan for yield but I figure shooting for .35gpw is hardly aiming for the sky, even as a beginner...

TL;DR - I am running 400w in a 4x4 space, my medium is coco and perlite (70/30) and I plan to veg for no longer than 5 weeks (it will be more like 7-8 weeks total since I am going from seed), I currently have 6 seedlings of regular unsexed plants, I am wondering if it would be wise to pop another one or two bag seed plants, or if the likely 3-4 females I should get out of the plants I already have should be sufficient for an ideal yield from my 400w light with a 5 week veg?