Plant Ownership


Active Member
You could make it a pain in the ass for him. Since he lives with his parents, he probably has no place to dry and cure it. Split it at harvest, but refuse to dry it for him unles he gives you 50% of his share.

tony nice

You could make it a pain in the ass for him. Since he lives with his parents, he probably has no place to dry and cure it. Split it at harvest, but refuse to dry it for him unles he gives you 50% of his share.
I was thinkin of something schemy like this!! i was thinking giving him something around what he wants but fresh cut and leave it unmanicured.


New Member
well hate to say it u should have let his die and started your own seeds so give him something not a oz then if he bitches tell him to kiss your ass then grow your own without telling him


Active Member
H2grOw hit it right on, give him half and let him cure it himself, matter of fact bring him to help harvest it with you, so everything looks good and even, friendship saved. then when your done harvesting everything tell him to take it home and finnish it, if he refuses tell him youll cure it for a % of his. just look at it this way, your both in on this together so work together, you dont need him getting pissed and busting you and trust me, he will if he feels he is getting cheated.


Well-Known Member
Should i just never speak to the kid again. I think hes too much of a douche to be my friend.
There have been lots more comments since my last post here, but YES. From how you describe the guy he sounds like a leach and opportunist. Folks like that are cowards inside and he won't be there to piss you off so long as you don't let him.

tony nice

H2grOw hit it right on, give him half and let him cure it himself, matter of fact bring him to help harvest it with you, so everything looks good and even, friendship saved. then when your done harvesting everything tell him to take it home and finnish it, if he refuses tell him youll cure it for a % of his. just look at it this way, your both in on this together so work together, you dont need him getting pissed and busting you and trust me, he will if he feels he is getting cheated.
No he wold never bust me in a manner of law just would be a great deal of salty wounds but i DO NOT want to give up near to an oz i think thats fucking ridiculous!

tony nice

There have been lots more comments since my last post here, but YES. From how you describe the guy he sounds like a leach and opportunist. Folks like that are cowards inside and he won't be there to piss you off so long as you don't let him.
Ahhhh thankyu for coming back.. i have actually been thinking about this subject the whole grow just seeing his attitude and greed get bigger and bigger hes still a nice kid but is he really if he acts like that? and to his close friend? i would deff not be trying to rape my friend for an oz fuck that id feel like dirt


New Member
lesson learned next time if u do all the work do it alone and dont give hime oz give him a percentage i would say 10 to 30 % then never fuck with him again

Ahhhh thankyu for coming back.. i have actually been thinking about this subject the whole grow just seeing his attitude and greed get bigger and bigger hes still a nice kid but is he really if he acts like that? and to his close friend? i would deff not be trying to rape my friend for an oz fuck that id feel like dirt

tony nice

lesson learned next time if u do all the work do it alone and dont give hime oz give him a percentage i would say 10 to 30 % then never fuck with him again
yea if hes gunna be greedy then ya know what ill be greedy too. nothing pisses me off more than getting used/hosed fuck that and from a close friend even worse


New Member
im sorry if it was me i would say fuck u and u get nothing but thats me but i dont involve others and u messed up doing that but u learned a lesson i hope
If he's threatening to call the cops on you, then stall a bit more and once you have the stuff chopped you can tell him to piss off and move it to a safe place.

Either that or lie to him and say that somebody broke into your house and robbed your plant amongst other things.

tony nice

im sorry if it was me i would say fuck u and u get nothing but thats me but i dont involve others and u messed up doing that but u learned a lesson i hope
yea that is a possibilty aswell maybe ill teach him a lesson too. but ya that was a mistake. cant wait to see how this unfolds


Well-Known Member
It's kind of like my pappy told me years ago : Don't leave mad, just leave. Make sure he knows you think he's a douche and you are repulsed by his greed. Tell him you aren't going to waste your time arguing over what is clearly the result of your hard work and time dedicated. It's not difficult to figure out you should cut him off. It's clearly stupid to subject yourself to frustration over something this dumb.


if it was me i would just act like everything is cool he would be getting his OZ and helping me harvest it, then the day before i would pull up the plant hide it somewhere then when he came over the next day we'd discover it was gone and i'd be like "oh no it got ripped"