Plant Pictures For You Guys


Well-Known Member
im gonna be posting some pics here in a few minutes when my batteries charge up. i just wanted to see what you guys have to say. now that i have been reading more im gonna start some new seeds again and do everything different. ive only been using 40 w flourescents and bone/blood meal for nutes. havent been keeping track of how long its been but it is a little stretched out because i didnt keep the lighting close enough. i think im gonna find a spot in the woods near my apartment and plant it there to see if i can get it to flower since i wont have a descent light.


Well-Known Member
ok just be patient. remember im a newbie and planted before i read anything. but to me they look decent with new leaf spots developing every few days. its a little tall so i put the light to the sides to prevent any more height. next time im gonna get 3 150 watt equivalent flouro bulbs from wal-mart so ican put one on the sides and top. i think im gonna use equal parts vermiculite, perlite, peat moss and potting soil when i transplant outside. i wanna wait until my new seeds sprout and are done germinating. i know all this is amatuer but before we had all this knowledge about lights and nutes people were growing pot.


Well-Known Member
im really sorry about all the posts. i know how you guys get but heres the pics. i just started adding the blood meal last week. i mix it in with the dirt when i added two more inches to the top. the tan looking stuff is bone meal. i couldnt really mix it in with the dirt so i put it on the top so when i water it leaches into the dirt. i also made blood meal "tea". can i do the same with the bone meal?



Well-Known Member
Might I suggest
More light. And more air..
Those 150 equivilant CFL's are great


Well-Known Member
get with of the tine foil, top the sucker-it is stretched till kingdom comes, check the spec of the lights you gone use/use there.

get a lot learning don quick or this will be screwed big time, that plant is entitled for "the stretch of the week" dude.


Well-Known Member
good suggestion. i have the plant right under a big window and i have it opened all the time. yes i knwo i need more light and that is why im going to start new seeds and transplant this one outside. i also tried to make a clone from another plant that wasnt responding very well. so far it isnt doing good or bad. the leaves and stem are green but the leaves are droopy. yes green i know it is stretched as fucked. when i first got the light i didnt know anything about the lighting so the lights were really far away and i kept them that way because they kept responding and growing tall but i know now that it was stretching and it wasnt good. any other suggestions?????


Well-Known Member
what do you mean by "top the sucker"? i know the specs of my lights. the 150w equivelant floros im going to buy are 2700 lumens. so if i get three or four that will be 8100-10800 lumens. believe me im reading everyday. ive learned so much from this site and other people on here


Well-Known Member
Welcome tittyboi
Gn has a point about the stretching.
You could cut the top 1/3rd of that plant off.
This will cause the main stem to sprout 2 stems to the sides of where you cut it.
I would also transplant into a bigger pot.
I would then bury the bottom 1/4 of the plant.

If you get the lights closer you can cut down on alot of this stretching.
Cfl's can be within 2" of plant without burning if you have good ventilation via intake and exhaust fans.

I like to keep the nodes on my plants within 5" or less. Usually less like 2-3".

You may also want to read some on LST.

Happy growing


Well-Known Member
could i cut the top 1/3 off and use the top to clone and start another plant? thats what i did with my other plant that was vegging very well. also when you say bury the bottom 1/4 do you mean leaves and all or should i cut them off?