plant prob PleaseEE help!! PICS


Active Member
So She started like this three or four days ago, yellowing leaves, now all the plant is pale green/yellow, only growing tips are green, also some of the bigger leaves show brown patches. the growth is stunned, and some leaves curl down / seem like the plant is lacking water although the soil is moist. any way I had fed her some nutes I found for flowering, I had flushed the soil.. still not getting better.. maybe N def or N saturation.. seems so. anyway any help pleasee pleasee!!!



Well-Known Member
sounds like overwatering and incorrect nutes, bloom nutes are for flowering as they have lower N which is required during veg.


Active Member
humm overwatering I just flushed the soil oncee again so I just fucked up more!! and as for the nutes I had never fed her till now she started flowering what could be the solution??


Active Member
a nitrogen saturation would mean that the leaves turn dark dark green deficiency is a pale green. If you havent gave her any nutes at all i would def start with an all around miracle grow fert with high n rating. hope this helps. oh yes and no more flushing she will be fine.


Well-Known Member
a nitrogen saturation would mean that the leaves turn dark dark green deficiency is a pale green. If you havent gave her any nutes at all i would def start with an all around miracle grow fert with high n rating. hope this helps. oh yes and no more flushing she will be fine.
If you read his original thread you should know he has given it nutes!!!:wall::?::wall::?::wall:


Active Member
so an update i didnt had money to get nutes for my plant.. hmm they are really expensive as only big ass bags are sold and theres no more gardening supply stores near so I peed my plant jejeje nitrogen emergency source.. and punched a hell lot of holes on the pot, a lot of water drained out, not everywhere so I guess the soil wasnt draining that well.. so I hit the pot with a hammer hmm and when I saw soil coming out of every hole stopd hitting, watered a little and heard glup glup glup.. nicee draining little water came out of the side holes and a lot from the bottom ones, so It's now getting back nice green colour and its growing again!! the bad thing is that it has lost a lot of leaves and there are also many scorched ones

a question here shall I cut off hte scorched parts of the leaves?? I thought of this but dont really know....


Well-Known Member
If you have holes on the bottom (not the side near the bottom) for drainage let it drain.
don't cut anything don't water it. leave it alone for three days and look again.


Active Member
So as I told my plant seemed to be going ok butnow its loosing more leaves and the scorching is getting worse on some areas, some really pale leaves are falling down though they are the smallest and the ones that dont get almost any light at all... but big leaves are now also getting the same synthoms... check out some pics and gimme any advice if you can thanks all of you!!


Weed Demon

Well-Known Member
Ok to really help we need the following info
1. Type of growing medium
2. Size of pot
3. When and how much water
4. When, what type, and how much nutes

The fastest way to kill your girl is to react too quickly, lets pause and think about all the things you have done.

Have you kept a day to day journal to get specifics?


Active Member
ok plain soil from my backyard, a little from somewhere we buried or dogs shit like around 4 years ago.. some little aquarium rocks.. the pot is a garbage can, 22"tall 8-9"diameter.. the plant is like 17" or so.. I watered it almost everyday as it seemed to soak up the water so fast, a small listerine bottle full of water... and also I used to mist it a lot everyday she really seemed to like it.. anyway the problem goes as far as Ive posted.. waht do you think saw the pics??

Weed Demon

Well-Known Member
Ok first off the soil is way wrong. You want to buy potting soil or make your own from new dirt. There is no way to tell what bacteria or fungus could be attacking your roots.

Second your watering schedule is off. You want to saturate the soil until water runs out the holes on the bottom and then wait 4 to 7 days before watering again. Watering a little every day will suffocate the roots and they will begin to rot. I think that this is what is happening.

You might be able to save the plant by reppotting in new store bought potting mix. Easiest way to go is with Miracle grow. Once you transplant her give it WATER ONLY until water runs out the drainage holes for about 4 weeks. You will not need any nutes bcause of the MG nutes in the soil for at least 4 weeks.

If her roots are messed up transplanting is a last ditch effort and she will be stressed. It will take a week before you might see new fresh healthy growth.

IMO it would be better and easier to start over than to put so much effort into this gal that might not even make it.


Active Member
ok so I will try repotting on new soil do you really think its that as its bagseed, brought here near my house in colombia I guess they´ve grown it on normal soil like mine..
anyway Ill try and save this plant as the little flowers are still looking good, no yellowing or curling still.. there may be hope!!


Active Member
Hello there, now I just have repottedx it with fresh loose soil, with some sand and carbon added. anyway I noticed just what I got wrong in here, the soil yeah...

it was very compact I think because I watered it just after repotting my plant on the new pot, anyway it was like 3 weeks frown when I planted it on this pot, and now as I was digging her out I began feeling the soil very warm around the root ball.. so the roots hadnt grow anything, they got like more compacted in a ball on their old soil, as if the old soil was oil and the new one water, it just formed a bubble in there,

I washed out the roots, no root rot present at least that brings me some hope!! I planted it right away in the new mix, wich seems to drain very nice, and I also buried her stem leaving only 2" tfrom the soil to the stems. and as for the buried stem, i made some small cuts (my dads advice) supposed to grow some new roots fast. anyway Ill be posting my advance!!