Plant problem need advice and guidance


Well-Known Member
Hey guys

I need help. I've never encountered problems before so I hope some anothe pro can help me.

This is and indoor grow, growing NY sour Diesel in hydroton clay pebbles. drip hydro system. 24/7 watering and in vegging stage.
pH is 5.7 and the EC is 2.0

I always check in here every day so please comment.





Active Member
looks like Molybdenum and possibly phosphorus deficiency "With hydro or soil-less mediums, molybdenum may be locked out at pH ranges of 5.5-6.0 and lower. Try to keep the pH of your growing medium above these ranges to help prevent a molybdenum deficiency." as per:

I would say molybdenum for sure.


Well-Known Member
I'm using GHE Bloom, Grow and Micro.
The last pH and EC readings were taken on saturday,
now it's pH 6.3 and EC 2.3
I'm going to flush later today and set pH to ~5.8 and EC 1.5


Well-Known Member
Update will occure after 8 hours ca.

please keep checking in and give your thoughts on what might
be the problem so I can try to prevent it from happening again.


Well-Known Member
So I flushed my plants and cleaned the resivoir with antibacterial.
I set the
resivoir 1: pH to 5,7 and EC 2,0
resivoir 2: pH to 5,9 and EC 1,9

I will keep you posted


Well-Known Member
so ... day two after flush and it seems not to make any difference.
The pH goes up by
R1 5.7-6.6 in 24 hours
R2 5.9-6.2 in 24 hours

The EC stays pretty much the same

I will update with pictures later today


Well-Known Member
no picture update yet...

No one have any ideas what might be causing this? so i will have something in my backhand if flushing and raising lights 4 inches doesn't help!


Well-Known Member
day three

R1 5.8-6.1 in 24 hours
R2 5.7-6.2 in 24 hours

In your experiance is this normal pH fluctuation over a 24 hour period?


Yo isn't 2.0 ec about 1400 ppms? Even at 1.0 ec 700 ppms is on the high
side for little plant like that.


Well-Known Member
I've never encountered any problem with going from 0.5 EC - 1.8 EC in a weeks time and now they are at 2.0-2.2

But it seems like the change of water and nutes worked with fixing the problem and they are growing again and growing green.

But I must assume that it was a problem with the water, alot of dead root matter in it (reusing the clay pebbles).

If anyone has other idea what it might have been, nute def or burn, please let your font be heard !

Some pictures from 10 minutes ago.



Well-Known Member
This is the progress I've made for the last week ...


both res are at ph 5.7 and EC 2.2


Well-Known Member
Here is a small update on my two resivoirs over the last 14 days.
I will post photo updates tomorrow since they are in their dark period now.



Well-Known Member
Yo isn't 2.0 ec about 1400 ppms? Even at 1.0 ec 700 ppms is on the high
side for little plant like that.
To respond to that comment I read an article about EC and ppm convertions.
Basicly in the
USA, EC 2.0 = 1000 ppm
EU, EC 2.0 = 1280 ppm
AU, EC 2.0 = 1440 ppm

so how to convert:


2.0 * 1000 * 0.50 = 1000
2.0 * 1000 * 0.64 = 1280
2.0 * 1000 * 0.72 = 1440

So my average ppm is 1344 @.64 (EC 2,1)
Try calculating yours

This is the article I read


Well-Known Member
So these are my plants today, it's been 16 days since I changed the water and flushed the medium.

I'm not 100% sure what it was that caused my girls to stunt and wither ... but it's fixed.
