Plant Problem, Please Help


Active Member
I just received my plants from a friend who was taken care of them. She didn't have any of my grow supplies which I payed $120.00 for. I'm more worried about my plants more than my money because they are 2 weeks old and were overflowed by a rain last night. The girl who was taking care of my babies didn't even add holes for drainage to the 16 ounce cups. I added the holes to all 4 cups and water came out. The plants are a bit droopy, and some of the leafs look dead. I cant add pictures because my sister has my camera. Someone please give me some advice to help me fix the problem. Thank you. :peace:


Well-Known Member
just let the soil dry and see if it didn't drown. if its still alive in the next three days give it some nutes cuz it basically got flushed in that rainstorm


Well-Known Member
I would also consider repotting in a few days. I think it will give them a boost. Sometimes those cups don't drain well, even with holes.