Plant Problem! PLZ HELP.


I am growing White Rhino by Nirvana. My Baby plant is around a week or . My growing medium is Fox Farm Ocean Forest . I have not given this plant any nutes. I think I may have over watered it. I have been watering with distilled water. My other plant popped soil on 3/05/10 and is getting some damage to the lower leaves . Can you guys and gals please help. Thanks peace



Well-Known Member
Let it dry out dude. it will be OK. When the leaves start to reach your gettin dry.
Stick your finger in there if its moist,,, don't water.
You know I don't know about distilled water...But never heard of anyone using it..
I don't think you have to add any nutes to Ocean Forest but not sure
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Cut the yellow off of those bottom leaves(Or ignore for time being), leaving the green. In about a week or so, you will see new leaves developing at those nodes. Cut remainder of leaf off. The likelihood is that leaf will continue to yellow.......nothing to be concerned about.

I don't suggest using FF soil for germinating.

I cannot emphasize enough....perfect watering solution is to MIST with a sprayer, directly at roots (or developing roots, I should say.)


Active Member
Im using FF OF too and it seems a little hot on nutes for seedlings. Im gonna try some light warrior next time on top of the Ocean forest so when the roots get long enough they will have the ocean forest for mature vegging.


Well-Known Member
your plant looks fine. as a plant grows, its bottom leaves will yellow and die because the plant is using more energy to feed the rest of the plant. FF may be a little harsh for seedlings, but i think youre gonna be okay. Soil has to dry out before you water it again, so use the finger test or the lift test. Dry finger to the first-second knuckle, water. lift up the plant and it is significantly lighter than when its watered, water. other than that, give it lots of light and let the plant adjust to the nutes that are in the soil.