plant problem - stems are redish


Well-Known Member
Hey. Had a question about my plant... My main stalk looks great! Nice and green, big, all around looking good..
The stems branching out.... Its really red by the leaf, but then going down it just gets spotty redish.

Could it be too much heat? its potted in roots organic, and i just started feeding it into week 3 w/ half strength nutes. 24/7 light cycle, fan osc around. Or should i flush it? (on the 14th it will be 4 weeks)



Well-Known Member
give it a tsp of epsom salt next watering, it also looks like you boost the nitrogen a lil, thats a pale green.
looks normal to me, i could be wrong. What are your temps like? Cold temps can cause red/purple stems. i have a few outdoor plants that have some purple because we had a cold front down here in Tx. In my grow room, I have a few strains that have some purple, and some that do not, so it could also be the strain you are using.


Well-Known Member
@wiseguy - crap, i was just at walmart too and thats what I forgot to get!!! i'll water w/ a tsp of epsom salt and see if that will do the trick. right now shes in my closet, it might be the camera though, so the flash might be playing tricks.

@tokindaily - right now shes a Cali Hash Plant, temps range from 78*-81*, 59-61% humility inside my closet... Im in Az and recently it went from hot as hell to really cold/rainy so I know its playing around with my APT ac unit. lol


Well-Known Member
one of my strains always does that.

tried 2 perfectly good soils, that kept every other strain happy.

and its not that she´s unhappy, big buds, good potency, smell.

looks like its a genetic thing, i also read that its only if its on the mainstem, then its a symptom of deficency, othervise probably just a genetic thing.


Well-Known Member
Thats what I was thinking also. But other Cali hash plants dont look like they have the same problem i do. As long as its not the main stalk i think im fine, because the main stalk looks HUGE, a nice color green to light green..

But its just the stems and leaves im starting to worry about now. The Tips of the leaves are going from green to a bright yellowish, and the stems that are facing up to the light are redish.


Well-Known Member
Be careful to let that plant dry out between waterings.
i usually wait until the top gets try, then i'll feel about a inch or two into the soil to make sure its not that wet. if it is i'll wait another day or two to water


Well-Known Member
i usually wait until the top gets try, then i'll feel about a inch or two into the soil to make sure its not that wet. if it is i'll wait another day or two to water
I let it dry out to the point just before it will wilt. This makes my plants very happy.


Active Member
most of mine are like that one of mine had stems that were bright red almost a neon pink in color a week after i flowered it it started going away i think its storing nutes for flowering its no big deal