Plant Problem W/DETAILS! Help Please!

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Alright, well I am having a few problems with my plants that are 37 days into flowering. Something is going on with the leaves and here's some details on them.

Plants we're vegged for 3-4 weeks under a 400MH, Fox Farm Soil, Advance nutrients M,G,B + Big bud, Using RO water w/out Cal-mag (Might be my problem), Ph'd to 6.5 everytime I water, I feed one day, water with fresh water the next, temp is 77-81 with lights on, 60-64 w/ lights off, 37 days into flowerings with a 400w HPS, 6 plants 18-24in.

I've been using my nutes on medium feed, I had them in 2 gal pots but I think they got a little to big for their pots so I transplanted to a 3 gal bags last night.

Reason I am not using cal-mag in my RO water..

I just figured out RO water lacks calcium and magnesium and I do not have a hydro store near my location So I am kinda SOL.

Any advice on what to do? Maybe flush with fresh water for a little? My soil takes like a day n half to dry.

Thanks for the help it's appreciated LMK if you need any more information.


Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Thanks for such a fast respond! Ok well the reason I use RO is because my tap is off the charts! It's like 8.5... Should I just PH my tap and start giving it to them? Since tap has Cal/Mag in it?

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Yeah the only reason I am using RO is the ph is 6.5 right outta the bottle, so after I ad nutes I only have to adjust a little.

With my tap being so high it's a bitch. I have the ghetto test tube, I need to invest in a hannah already :)

Tap water better solution for now since I DO NOT have cal-mag mix?


Where did you get this information from?


From personal experience from 40 years of growing. PH is not the issue in dirt as it is in hydro. Tap water contains cal and mag that ro water does not, soil provides a ph buffer where as hydro mediums do not. I have long since stop growing in dirt and now pay much more attention to the ph of the nutes I feed in a soiless medium.

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
So do you reckon I flush with PH'd tap water? Or continue my normal routine with tapwater? Theres no way I can get a hold of cal-mag right now so RO water is out of the question.

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Alright well I just read the bottles I use for water and it's actually Distilled water... I also filled a gallon of tap water up and ph'd it... it's 9.0 and I tried to ph it out to 6.5 and I couldn't get it, always to high or to low..

So any advice at this point would be great, because at this point I have no clue what to do.. I have 4 plants that are doing pretty good with no effects, and I have 2 that are having problems. Their all getting the same water to! WTFUX


Well-Known Member
You are feeding it too much, the ends of your leaves are all burnt, they are almost white. Some of the leaves are so overfed they are half necrotic, giving the appearance of a possible Phosphorus deficiency. The damage isn't too bad yet, but I would start by cutting any nutrient use by half power and also just feed them PH Tap water for a couple waterings to help flush out any leftover salts. Don't go overboard and do anything drastic your buds look like they are doing well and you don't want to stress them out this far in.


Active Member
if you need Ca try crushing up egg shells in a coffee grinder. It'll be a slow release method of getting Ca back into the soil because it's been pulled out by the RO water. For Mg you can use epsom salt but do that sparingly as it'll be fast acting.

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Thanks guy, I think Ill flush then start at half strength of what I was using. Hopefully they pull threw because I am stressing lol.

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Well the one is looking worse, everyone else is doing better. Ill keep holding out on this guy till the end half his leaves are dead tho! lol


Active Member
it's not a guy...they are girls. if you want to see pictures of what male plants look like i can show you..but please they are ladies...have some respect!!


hope you get them dialed in.

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
lol for what ever reason I always say guys, my woman always corrects me on this also..

Anyways I am charging my digi now to take new pics. The one has gotten worse..

I think it has to do with over feed but also something to do with cal-mag I mean this shit feels like paper/crumbley/grey/brown spots.

i don't make much sense right now just smoked a bowl of some purp fade.

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Alright, I just took some more pictures with macro. The first 4 pictures are the one plant thats doing terrible ( She use to be my best girl ) This has happend in the last 3 days so fast! The other two pictures are of my other girls, one has slight yellowing going on and the other 4 look good besides the 2 that were over watered like a month ago ( Their leaves will never go back to normal :( )

Anyways hope these pictures show a lil more clearly whats going on.


Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
I was just looking at the pics, in pic 3 dosen't it look like it could be mag def? Isn't a sign of mag def when the leave goes yellow but the veins remain dark greeen?


Most plants usually do better in slight basic environments, marijuana in its native environment grows in soil that contains small amounts of limestone, etc. giving the soil a natural source of calcium. Normally I would suggest just buying some calcium phosphate either online or at a nursery, florist etc. Other sources of calcium include egg shells, ground clam and oyster shells, and ive heard of people using human calcium supplements(calcium gluconate) but I would stick with bagged nutrients for best results.


Also you could be over fertilizing which is a very common factor in "droopy leaf syndrome". Switch your fertilizing amount to half or even 1/4 of what your currently using, if you dont see any change in 3-9 days then it could be a sickness rather then deficiency.

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Well I flushed them with Ph'd water yesterday, just waiting for them to dry out now. Do you think I should hit them up with just some more PH'D water? Or try feeding them again with 1/2 of what I was using? I am Kinda leaning towards feeding them again next, their looking some what better.

What do you think would be best? Plain water again? Nute ?

Also just ordered a HM digital p200 Ph meter so I can be sure now lol.