Plant problem with pictures


Well-Known Member
I have been looking around on the forums and other websites but a lot of the plant problems look kind of similar(or at least to me).
It appears to be only one plant is showing problems even though I have 5 plants under the exact same conditions.
It looks more of light green, is dried and dead or I assume dead because it just crinkles off if touched.
The plant is in foxfarm soil and has been started on a regime of jack's classic bloom booster with a really low concentration, 1/4 teaspoon per gallon. It is only give about a liter of water every time so maybe I am under-watering?



Well-Known Member
So now this problem has appeared on my other females.
The weird thing is that my male plant is fine, though I have not done anything different.


Well-Known Member
Maybe nute burn, watered today with about a 4L for each pot(3 gallon pots). If they are looking no better tomorrow I am going to flush


Well-Known Member
thats what i was thinkin. my plants do that when i accidently spill some fert on em. only affects the areas where it touched
Thanks for the reply.
Yea never clicked in my head that spilling nute water on the leaves could be a problem so I was careless in where water went.


Active Member
What is your temp in the grow room? I am not sure if this is a reason but those curling leaves look suspicious to me


Well-Known Member
What is your temp in the grow room? I am not sure if this is a reason but those curling leaves look suspicious to me
Too high or too low? Probably too low?
I don't have a thermometer in there right now but I if its too low I can turn the fan on/off in intervals and if its too high I can turn the fan on higher.


Well-Known Member
Yer man those bottom leaves show that classic orange gold burnt colour from either light touching leaves or ferts touching leaves. You got some big ass pots for the size of the plant, maybe and i say probably maybe too high ferts as the plant got a lot of soil left to feed of a. Could be too hot but i'd lean to a slight over fert i think, very dark green leaves, look stunted a bit with slight leaf curl. See if that helps.