Plant problem....


Well-Known Member
Im starting to develop spots all over my leafs, only near the tips. It looks as if the color of the leaf is fading in these spots. Its gotta be something with my new setup. I just set this whole thing up today; new tub, fresh water, fresh nutes, fresh balanced pH.
I can see it happenings 2 of the plants. The strange thing is, its only happening on the older (mid aged) growth and not the new.
EDIT: there is a shininess to parts of the leafs close to the faded areas.



Well-Known Member
I got my PPM meter in the mail today. I checked my hydro and its reading 1450 PPM.

That sounds a little high to me.

The drinking water that I bought today is 310PPM

My tap water is 236 PPM

My pH is 6.0


Well-Known Member
yeah, I was gonna say over fert before i read ur second post. those ppms are way, way, way high. I would drop it down to 500. r u sure you calibrated it correctly? your tap water sounds hard, and drinking water should be lower than ur tap, unless it was treated with sodium chloride which u dont want to be feeding ur plants. I would go with distilled till they get some more legs out of them. the shiny, leathery leafs along with those burning edges are classic nute burn. given time it will progress to full necrotic areas. flush and start again.


Well-Known Member
I just got this PPM meter in the mail today. It says that it was pre-calibrated in the factory.

I am using a hydro setup

EDIT: what is "necrotic"


Well-Known Member
necrotic=dead tissue. what strength nutes were u using? 1400 ppms would be full strength. either that or the meter is not calibrated. best thing u can do now is flush out that res and leave out the nutes for a week or more than go back to 1/4 strength. I dont even use 1400 ppm in flowering. never been higher than 1k and usually around 500-800 at full maturity.


Well-Known Member
If you could check out my grow journal then you would have more reliable information there. I just flushed out my hydro today and added the nutes in. I put 15tps of foxfarms "Grow Big" 6-4-4 into my resevior. That accounts for 3 tps per 1 gallon of water. I am going off of week 3 in the hydro chart (but i have dirt nutes). The NPK is a little different on the grow big.

EDIT: I went from 1/4 strength 1 week ago to full strength today

Today was my second time to EVER use nutes


Well-Known Member
I just hung the kids out for an air bath while I changed the water. Ill put in some nutes for the second week of the hydro calender, but at half strength and then adjust the pH.
PPM & pH of straight bathwater: 221 & 8.6 (or so)
PPM & pH of bathwater & nutes: 525 & 8.0
PPM & pH of water with pH down: 572 & 5.5
NUTES: 5 tsp Grow Big 6-4-4 & 2.5 Tbl Big Bloom
Hopefully this "FLUSH" will take care of the problem while I am out of the area.


Well-Known Member
If you could check out my grow journal then you would have more reliable information there. I just flushed out my hydro today and added the nutes in. I put 15tps of foxfarms "Grow Big" 6-4-4 into my resevior. That accounts for 3 tps per 1 gallon of water. I am going off of week 3 in the hydro chart (but i have dirt nutes). The NPK is a little different on the grow big.

EDIT: I went from 1/4 strength 1 week ago to full strength today

Today was my second time to EVER use nutes
ok I will check it out. 15 tps sounds like a hell of alot. the most I use at any time is half strength. keep in mind these nutes are meant for heavier fruit bearing plants like tomatos, mj needs less, especially when they are immature. did u have these issues at 1/4 strength?


Well-Known Member
I just hung the kids out for an air bath while I changed the water. Ill put in some nutes for the second week of the hydro calender, but at half strength and then adjust the pH.
PPM & pH of straight bathwater: 221 & 8.6 (or so)
PPM & pH of bathwater & nutes: 525 & 8.0
PPM & pH of water with pH down: 572 & 5.5
NUTES: 5 tsp Grow Big 6-4-4 & 2.5 Tbl Big Bloom
Hopefully this "FLUSH" will take care of the problem while I am out of the area.
sounds like u got it now. this should help alot. those affected leaves wont get any better, but u want to keep a careful eye to make sure they do not get any worse. also, if you are using HID lights, than I would suggest raising them for a bit. if CFL's, than u r fine.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Smokey bandit.... I have had many problems since i first started growing (2 months ago,) but I have overcame each and everyone of them. This was my first big scare. I came in and noticed all these dots and knew that something was off with my water. I will keep my eye on these. Would it be best to cut the affected leafs off of the plant, which is about 1/4 of them?
I am using a 150W HPS light
I am in a bind. I do not know which chart to use, the hydro or dirt. I have dirt ferts but a hydro setup. The "Tiger Bloom" & "Big Bloom" are both hydro and/or dirt ferts but the "Grow Big" for the hydro and dirt has a different NPK value.
Untill I get to the store, I can not go buy any Grow Big for hydro. I must stick with this bottle. But I dont know how to handle adding it into my water.


Well-Known Member
it sounds like you got it. gona have to go with your gut. just keep them ppms. around 500-600 and u should be fine. the charts are for reference, just keep em at 1/4 strength for now.


Well-Known Member
these spots have gotten darker.. but havent spread out... is that normal or is there still a problem?
yeah, the spots will continue to darken and turn necrotic. u just want to make sure it is not progressing.
and no, leaves the leaves until 50% dead. still viable nutes in there the plant can draw on if needed


Well-Known Member
absolutely, usually over fert- a few days at 1400 + ppms will do that. just keep like you got em now and they should grow out of it within couple of days. 500 and under.


Well-Known Member
My ppm is 616 and my pH is 6.3 ...... my pH seems to rise everyday and therefore I must put some pH - in it to bring it back to the 5.5 area.....

EDIT: im going to calibrate my ppm meter ... i just got it the other day and it was supposed to be factory calibrated but ill do it just to make sure that it is right


Well-Known Member
if u have rockwool in those net cups that is gonna need to be flushed from the top as well. u can see the salt build up on the one pic where it looks like the root tips are touching ur chair-big no-no if that is the case. very sensitive to bacteria. forget the 5.5 ph and go more for around 5.8. u may have buffers added to your tap water if u r using tap, no way around it. normally a rising slightly ph is a signal the plants are using nutes P, K, and others. falling ususally signifies plant is using N. stable is harmony.


Active Member
I have a question for any body that tcan help me. Well my i have 20 plants under 2 400 mh temp 75/78 med/pro mix worom castings. Humid 40/45 fert 20-20-20 beeen feeding then 1\4 once a week but did foliage feed them a few times . Problem is a couple plants are getting these light tannish spots on them would like to know what could that be from and how to get rid of it . Then on my hybrid skunk/haze the leaves are curling inward and looking dry. Now i checked my ph its 6.9 7.0 nut was high. Would appreciate any help that i can get thank you