Plant problem


Active Member
Hello all
i had a mite problem that i took care of, but my plant now has stopped growing . The older leaves are rough,cupping and tips are turned down. Some are turning yellow.
I am not sure if it is over fertilzed or over watered.
I just started the 12 hour lite to flower.
I need advice. Sould i first stop the flowering stage ? What can i do to get the plant to start growing again?
It is a female and i would hate to loose it.
Any ideas ?


Well-Known Member
overfertilized it probably, can't tell without a picture or more info.... I'd flush it with about 3 gallons of water for each gallon the container it's in... so if it's a 5 gallon pot, run 10-15 gallons through it.. 1 gallon pot, 3 gallons of water.... I'd keep it in the flowering stage unless it's really small, otherwise you're just wasting your time. need pics man, helps a ton! goodluck!


Well-Known Member
I would always advice on flushing the plant leave it on 18/6 till it drys then put in the flowering nutrients this way you are not mixing nutrients.Or wait till the plant is realy dry then start to add the flowering nutrients water once a week on the same day every week even if the plant dry's out this will force the root system to develop far better than watering every other day or every day.Also get into the habbit of flushing the plants even in veg this will stop any un wanted salt build ups in the grow medium.Leaf cannoeing is normaly caused by over watering sorry about the spelling.