Plant PROBLEM????


Active Member
Proud Parent just wondering when i can tell what im having boy or girl. Also should i go with a bigger pot or try for a mini plant.I think i have this shit down for my first grow. Should i start 12-12 now or wait? Started Plant on Nov 15.



Well-Known Member
what lights are you using?

if youve got cfls id flower it soonish...

if your running HID... transplant to a bigger pot veg it out for a while and then turn it when it is about 1/2 the height you want it and itll get to around that....


Well-Known Member
3 gallons will be plenty, if you plan to put it on 12/12 soon. You could go bigger if you want, but it really isn't necessary, and will give you little benefit with a plant of that size. At 6 weeks old, you should be starting to see some tiny preflowers soon. They might already be there, but they're not visible in any of the pics. Mine usually show sex at about 4 weeks, so keep an eye on it. The preflowers will form where the branch grows out of the main stem,(internodes) like in picture #5. There is nothing visible in that pic, but check the rest of the plant and see if there are any growing out of the other internode areas. If you find something, post some pics and I'll be able to tell you for sure.


Active Member
One of my books recommends 1 gallon per foot of expected hieght. 3' plant=3 gal...I use 5 gal always due to availability.
If my math is right your at about 6 weeks from seed? you can expext positive gender from the next couple days to about 2 weeks. Moving them to flower does make them more apparent but I wait until I get clear pre-flowers before moving.

My new gender ID rule:
"The best way to tell the gender of a plant you are wondering about is to wait a week." Now if only I can follow it.


Well-Known Member
Pic #2 is the one that will help you the most right now. Pic #1 is a little later in growth. If you find anything on your plants that look like pic 2, send some pics and we'll be able to tell you if it's male or female.


Active Member
Alright when it starts to look fem then i should start 12-12. im trying for a high time picture look. so far so good