plant problem


this is first time.. they are around 6 weeks old and started flowering around a week nd 2 days ago... lower leaves started to turn yellow at first until they curled and died.. till now no sign on upper leave. from what i've seen on the net might be a phosphorous defitency so 2 days ago i gave one of them around 200mg of phosphorous pentoxide with 250mls of water rill now no improvement

the temperature and humidity min was 22.8C / 49% humidity and max : 33.1C 76%

ph is around 5.5 to 6 i think since i added the phosphorouse pentoxide which when dissolved in water would dissociate into phosphoric acid but would check exactly later on next week..

i think it started flowering because thiny hairs started to come out... also i thin growth is quite slow..



florecent tubes giving them abit less than 12hrs a da right now with a timer will add an led grow light heard they are making loads of sucess over other kind of lighting low power consumprtion better efficency and less heat


Well-Known Member
Hey dude
I had same prb about 4 weeks ago u can
seach (under leafs + neved) for see that in forum search
so its about your watering.
R u have ppm meter?!
And what kind of npk u use
i think best for veg and preflowering use 20-20-20 or 18-18-18
its a simple
best regards


they are into flowering... and no i dnt have a ppm meter i was using magic grow because i red its poisen for them but i just bought phostrogen havnt given them yet


Well-Known Member
Not use anything at all with out ppm meter my friend
it just heart your plant
why u dont buy some nuts like 12-12-40 or high in k
i had your priblem 3 years ago thats not good


it is 14-10-27.. so what i get a ppm meter and when im going to feed them i check the ppm of solution ? and how much should it be ?


Well-Known Member
What kind of water u use?!
Distilled water is 2 differnt
u add 200 ppm into your water
ex : if your water ppm 160 u will put 200 more ppm
= 360 ppm your meter shown
chek youe ph around 5.70 and water them once in middle a day


bottled water.. so ph of soil should be around 5.7 ? and what do you mean once in a middle day u mean every day at noon ?