Plant Problems (Age unknown)


Active Member
I recently aquired two plants which the age of are unknown, unfortunately the guy who was rearing them lost interest and seems to have neglected them. Plant 2 appears to be doing better than plant1 (See Pics) and was just wondering if anybody can maybe help me find out whats went wrong and maybe be able to salvage these .

I have them on a 18 hour light cycle and feed every second or third feed however I'm not quite sure how often I should be watering them. Any help would be appreciated..!

The lights I'm using are two 250w 6400K CFL, I have an inlet and outlet fan and keep the temp around 75 and humidity around 50%



Active Member
I recently aquired two plants which the age of are unknown, unfortunately the guy who was rearing them lost interest and seems to have neglected them. Plant 2 appears to be doing better than plant1 (See Pics) and was just wondering if anybody can maybe help me find out whats went wrong and maybe be able to salvage these .

I have them on a 18 hour light cycle and feed every second or third feed however I'm not quite sure how often I should be watering them. Any help would be appreciated..!

The lights I'm using are two 250w 6400K CFL, I have an inlet and outlet fan and keep the temp around 75 and humidity around 50%
depending on how quickly the soil dries up, you should generally only water something like 100-200 ml when theyre that young then let the soil dry out somewhat, but not completely.

keep a slight breeze blowing on them.

edit: also, administering a light formula of nutes would be very smart if you can manage it. just something balanced, 7-5-6 perhaps.


Active Member

At the moment I am currently giving them some BiobizzBio-Grow 8.0-2.0-60 and with a mix of 1ml to 1 litre of water every second watering. Perhaps you could advise if this is adequate..?



Active Member
I think the larger of the two plants is around 8 weeks old but I'm unsure exactly as I rescued them from a guy who lost interest and may have even let them go completely dry at some point if this helps anybody..? Also is there any type of feeds or similar somebody can suggest that may give them a boost..?


Active Member

At the moment I am currently giving them some BiobizzBio-Grow 8.0-2.0-60 and with a mix of 1ml to 1 litre of water every second watering. Perhaps you could advise if this is adequate..?

1 ml of nute per 3 litre or close to a gallon is adequate. you can feed them nute, nute, nute, nute, cycles, then flush.

ill assume you meant 8.0-2.0-6.0. those are perfect numbers.

plant tonic might help you. they sell it at local nurserys. 0.25 ml of it mixed in with your feed would only help.