Plant problems help needed.


I have 5 plants and they were transplanted and were doing fine the first day in the new environment but now well they are dying I will put pictures up or links to pictures.



It was a shitty job that had to be moved to a new location so pretty much they are in pots in a box with tin foil in the box with 5 floresent lights..also theirs a humidafier in the room
It was a shitty job that had to be moved to a new location so pretty much they are in pots in a box with tin foil in the box with 5 floresent lights..also theirs a humidafier in the room
So you have a box lined w/ aluminum foil w/ 5 fluorescent lights over the top??? Looks like some of the plants are growing in clear plastic drink cups.
If you want to get something to grow (that your going to get ANYTHING out of), I'm afraid your going to have to be a little more serious than that...Why don't you try a CFL closet grow for starters, if space is an issue? To grow a decent plant in soil, you should do it in at least a 3 gallon pot...


Their all in pots just different sizes and they are the process of being moved into bigger ones but we have gotton those yet but that doesn't mean it would kill them right now. But thanks for the feedback


Well-Known Member
WTF did you pour over these girls lets be honest here that's a good amount of damage to that plant what soil? looks like garden soil looks like it could of been broken up more at the least