Plant problems i have pics


Active Member
this is my first successful grow and im trying to figure out if im getting nutrient burn or deficiencies because it looks like both are happening on the same plant. lets start off with my setup: 600w HPS conversion bulb, 20/4 light cycle, soil is half light warrior half ocean forest, day temp never higher then 78, lots of air circulation and even constant fresh air, watered every 2-4 days(emerald shaman by advanced nutrients is used every time), all the plants are clones
-first the 3 grape apes are about 4 weeks and have only been given nutrients twice(the last time i watered and the watering 3 times ago) with organic metanaturals brand 3-3-3 micronutrients solution at quarter strength, they have also shown a slow down in growth the past few days
-next the white rhino is about 2 1/2 weeks old and it has only been given nutrients once(last watering) and has slow growth since planted
-last the blue ogre is about 2 weeks old and has also only been given nutrients once(last watering)

thanks for any help



Active Member
the nutrient solution i mix is only 160 ppm and i have a electronic ph tester but im not sure of a good way to test the soil any suggestions? and i did just recently figured out that the filtered tap water i was using is a little high on the ph at about 8 but luckly my nutrient mixed solution is at 6.2


Active Member
they really have gotten almost no nutrients at all but they almost look like they have nutrient burn from the yellowing tips and leaf edges turned down should i give them just more water or more nutrients?


Active Member
i just watered one of the larger plants(grape ape) with just ph adjusted filtered tap water(measures only 50ppm) and the run off is 6.2ph and 500ppm a second one measured 380ppm. is the ppm on the high side? should i flush?cause i rather not put them under extra stress if they dont need it