Plant Problems!!! Need Advice Asap Please


Active Member
This is my outdoor sativa dominant skywalker n ground with foxfarm soil... Woke up today to check my girl out and her fan leaves are very droopy n sad looking. Idk if it's from over feeding or wat! Need help identifying and wats needed to repair


Well-Known Member
Heat stress and or need water, you have limp leaves and some of them are cupping to limit transpiration. Giver her a drink.

Is that your dog, very nice I have a Alaunt that has ties to pits in the old days in Europe.


Well-Known Member
Yes - looks thirsty to me too. To make sure water reach down to the root you can cut off bottom of a coke bottle and stick the bottle neck into ground - fill it up with water and plant will have a nice drink


Well-Known Member
water it more or it will die soon. Every day if necessary. Add a lot of mulch on top but when you water ,scrap the mulch to the side then put it bcak around the plant. Major dehydration here, the soil could be dry 2-3 feet down.


Well-Known Member
yeah... dry.... With all that dry dry grass around, it will just soak up all the water you give her..... water every day, as it is on earth, so pretty much impossible to overwater unless it had been raining none stop...... Maybe instead of watering straight through if you dont want to water with alot of water with nutes, or flush away the nutes, maybe water from the outside and make your way slowly inward towards the plant with just ph'd water......... What does your soil's PH run at btw? :/

and did you work the soil enough before you planted?.... Is it 100% native soil, or did you mix in top soil?........ Should add some Dolomite Lime and a lil Iron...


Active Member
i do water her everyday...... now because or the rise in temp i will water morning as usual and if necessary later in the day around 3 or 4 once i re watered they perked right back up soil i use a mix of happy frog and fox farm ocean soil and perlite....


Active Member
You could try trimming some of the lower leaves and branches. It will add more circulation lower on the plant (cooling) and reduce the burden of moisture the plants needs to provide.


Well-Known Member
i do water her everyday...... now because or the rise in temp i will water morning as usual and if necessary later in the day around 3 or 4 once i re watered they perked right back up soil i use a mix of happy frog and fox farm ocean soil and perlite....
With the watering once a day, after u water probably 50% or more is evapourating and being soaked up by surrounding dry soil, get some lucerne mulch and the plant will get most of the water.


Active Member
ok i will do everything suggested ......prune the bottoms, increase nitrogen, and get some mulch !!

good lookin out fams
this next hit of alien bubba is for u lol:bigjoint: