Plant Problems, please help...Lots of pics


Active Member
Hey folks, i am hoping you guys can help me out here, i am having some real issues with my plants. They have been going a lighter green at the top for a few days and I posted last week and everyone said it was fine. Since then I had to transplant and even since then its been getting worse. Now showing other symptoms, could be unrelated, I don't know. The yellowing is progressing down and there is brown spots on some of the leaves. What do you guys think? I have read all I can on this, but so many of these problems look similar.


Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
It looks like a bit of over watering to me, but it's hard to tell with just a pic. Give us some details about watering/feeding schedules, lighting, ventilation ect, and we can give you a more accurate answer.


Active Member
Alright, well..

I have them under 3 fluorescent fixtures with 2 bulbs each. cool white 40 watt. I have had them for almost 2 weeks, got them as clones. Have a fan blowing on them at all times at a low level and its just in a closet, my mom says its alright to have them so for ventilation i just leave my closet door open most of them time and have the window open a bit. They had started the lightening in the new growth just a little and the leaves were twisting just a little on the end, was told this was normal for some strains on here last week so I figured everything was fine. I watered the plants in the smaller pots there were in every couple of days when the soil was dry and fertilized with DNF 2 part twice and watered once normal water. When I transplanted them i used half strength solution like it says on the bottle. i will admit the soil i used wasn't the best, just run of the mill potting soil, it looked really rich but has poor drainage so i mixed in about 1/3 of the pots are vermiculite and the drainage isn't bad, but not optimum for sure. Next time I will use better soil right off. After I trasplanted them i felt they needed more water so I watered them more with just plain water and since then I am noticing the plants using up the water. The issue has become worse over the past few days and growth has really slowed to pretty much nothing. The min temp it has become is 68 and he warmest is 74. I hope this helps, i have been thinking zinc deficiency because it looks so close to the picture in the book, however, there are other symptoms like the browning spots


Well-Known Member
Alright, well..

I have them under 3 fluorescent fixtures with 2 bulbs each. cool white 40 watt. I have had them for almost 2 weeks, got them as clones. Have a fan blowing on them at all times at a low level and its just in a closet, my mom says its alright to have them so for ventilation i just leave my closet door open most of them time and have the window open a bit. They had started the lightening in the new growth just a little and the leaves were twisting just a little on the end, was told this was normal for some strains on here last week so I figured everything was fine. I watered the plants in the smaller pots there were in every couple of days when the soil was dry and fertilized with DNF 2 part twice and watered once normal water. When I transplanted them i used half strength solution like it says on the bottle. i will admit the soil i used wasn't the best, just run of the mill potting soil, it looked really rich but has poor drainage so i mixed in about 1/3 of the pots are vermiculite and the drainage isn't bad, but not optimum for sure. Next time I will use better soil right off. After I trasplanted them i felt they needed more water so I watered them more with just plain water and since then I am noticing the plants using up the water. The issue has become worse over the past few days and growth has really slowed to pretty much nothing. The min temp it has become is 68 and he warmest is 74. I hope this helps, i have been thinking zinc deficiency because it looks so close to the picture in the book, however, there are other symptoms like the browning spots
I see ca def. Since it usually starts on the top growth. also maybe iron or sulfur. You need to check your runoff ph i suspect you may a have a lockout, maybe you should give them some micronutes.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Check into what lampshade said but be careful not to over do it when you decide what amendment that you are going to use. I still think that you are keeping the soil a little wet. These plants like to get a little dry between waterings. Not to the point that they wilt, but good and dry. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
How did the roots look when you transplanted them? Nice vibrant white or off white towards brown? Reason I ask is I just transplanted some myself that I had in solo cups that I think I let go too long and they got a bit root bound as when I transplanted they were all wrapped around the cup and not the nice white I was looking for. Now I have some droopy little plants that look like yours, but they will definitely recover given some time and mild nutes.


Active Member
Hey everyone here is an update on how they look. Micro nutrients seemed to be the issue so I added some bone/blood meal under the soil for calcium and watered it in. As well I made a foilar spray with 1/2 strength shultz plant food which has zinc, iron and mangenese. I think things are getting stopping o slowing down, but some of the leaves are pretty messed up. Any further ideas on how to fix this. The picture is the worst affected leaf



Active Member
When I transplanted them the roots where white, and the soil was fairy dry at the time, i really don't think i was over watering. But maybe i was, I am not an expert at this


Well-Known Member
How bout the new growth? How's that look? On mine the leaves kinda look like yours but new growth looks good and they seem more vibrant so I think they are snapping out of it.