Plant problems [please read.]


Active Member
Well what all should I do to make it grow faster.
It has the right amount of light and water.
And im getting it new fertilizer with the right amount of nitrogen, potasiam, and phosphorus.


Active Member

Well here is my set up.
It's not too good, but it's all i've got.
This is my first plant that I have ever grown,
And my plant has been growing really slow.
Its been like 2 months and this is as big as its gotten.
It's sad.
Some help pleaseeeee!


Well-Known Member
How compacted is your soil? What soil are you using? Too many nutes can stunt the growth of a seedling.

I'd guess some sort of soil/nute issue. If it were too little light you'd be getting a spinly stretch, and you are not.


Active Member
Ok so I removed the foil and moved my lights closer.

Is that good?
And I'm wanting to know on what kind of fertilizer i should use, when I should water it, If I'm missing anything.
How to make it more potent.?
And how can I get it to grow faster?


Active Member
I'm not sure what kind of soil it is and how compact it is?
My brother started growing it and then gave it to me b/c it wasn't growing fast enough.
He then planted 3 more for him.
And what are nutes [sorry if I sound stupid, but remeber it is my first time growing.]


Well-Known Member
You can put the lights as close as you can and it dosen't feel to hot on your hand between the plant and the light. Don't give it nutes until atleast 3 to 4 weeks. I forgot how old it is?


Active Member
ok. well my plant has been growing for like 2 months and its only that big.
what are nutes and when do you suggest i give it to my plant.?


Well-Known Member
I would give it another week with the light closer like you have. It wasen't growing because your lights were to far away. You should see a huge difference with the lights closer. or you could go 12/12 now if you like. I would try it like you have it for a week. Let her bush up a lillte before flowering