Plant problems (Urgent)

Hello People
I have a problem as a first time grower i planted this plant more than 7 weeks ago. first of all it has a very slow grow rate. although over all my other plants are also growing rather slower than what it is said on the internet (i thought the reason was the light i was using 200w lamp till last week now i changed it with 500w) this particular one grows even in slower rate. plus the lower leaves are first turning yellow and then they are dropping.. i am not sure what the problem is. Here some photos of the plant. Hope you can help me solve the problem.
Also it was a regular seed and what it is been told on the internet that a plant which has been going though stress during its early periods tends to become a male plant ? Do you have any prove of this claim and if it is true (based on your experience) does this plant has any chance to becoming a female plant ??
I desperately need your help.
Thank you



Active Member
The original set of leaves are supposed to turn yellow and die. But the rest of the plant is dying from something else.


Active Member
that soil looks very packed also I would throw way more perlite in that them roots cant breathe bro .....


Well-Known Member
and it is stretched, you need more lights ( u say u have 500w) 500w hid lights what kind take a picture plz, or what is the distance from the plant and the light, some airflow so it will get a stronger stem. u need to not water her as much like every 3 days. because u water to much it cant get any oxygen in the roots. Then
Thank you all for responding. i usually water them every other day, and when i took that photo it wasn't watered for 2 day. if thats the problem i can cut down the water but a week sounds little extreme, specially for a little one like this? what do you think ?
As for the soil quality i hardly find decent soil where i am and finding perlite here is like finding water in a desert unfortunately there is not a big market for plants and equipment.(the same thing goes for the lamps too not too much option i hardly found 500w bulb
There is a small air clearing machine which is directed to plants so that the air come out is directed to plants... its fairly strong i'd say..


Ursus marijanus
200 and 500 watt bulbs ... are those halogen incandescents? That is your problem. You'll get more lovin out of CFLs ... say 3x 42 watt actual (those are the 150 watt "equivalent" bulbs). Incandescents do not provide a suitable spectrum for plant health. cn
i do use halogen at the moment but the thing is there are 3 other plants too and they are just fine, this particular one has a deficiency problem(not a diagnostic but seems like it) i do like to change it to CFL's but at the moment i didn't find appropriate settings for that kind of lamps. do you thing only light can cause on only one type. btw if it makes better to help its a Jack Herer the others are space, and white russian.


Ursus marijanus
i have just checked my light type and it is metal halide light. it says actually they are pretty ok for plant growing ",default,pg.html " its where i got it in case anyone wonders..
Are you certain it is a metal halide lamp? What is the size and shape of the bulb, and does it require a ballast? cn

Metal halide bulbs tend to look like this: a high-temp capsule inside a large protective secondary envelope. They need a specialized, wattage-specific ballast (large heavy outboard box) to operate.

Halogen bulbs (for work lights etc.) tend to look like this:

Note the large, hot axial filament ... which marks it as an incandescent. A 42-watt flCFL will provide more light that the plant can use than a 500-watt halogen bulb.


Well-Known Member
250w MH bulbs i would only suggest growing 2 plants to get the best quality and quantity, but u can do 4 plants. but i would suggest 400w and u would get amazing grow with 4 plants :)
do you think i can use plastic (eps) foam instead of perlite in order to open more space in the soil for roots to get air and enough space to develop ?? if i mix plastic foam to soil?


Active Member
your not feeding it wae anything are you ? dont give a seedling nutes and watch the water (not to much) make sure your p h is ok if its dry an inch below the suface water it with p h neutral water:peace:
im sure where ever you live you can find it easily but i've been looking for week for perlite here and i seriously couldn't find it. but i've been looking on the internet about the foam and i've seen several articles about mixing to and they say it wouldnt be problem, and already i've mix it. Technically it shouldn't be a problem, my only fear is when i put some put some extra element like potassium or calcium, it'd make a chemical mix and would leave toxic stuff but i will cross that bridge when i come to it... i've changed the soil it was awful sticky like a mud plus i've lost some root along the way. i am at this moment praying that it stays alive!! among them all JH is the most i expect to see grow... we will see..
jofey it is not a seedling actually it looks like it but it has been almost 7 weeks for that one. it seems that i've been using the wrong type of light i've changed it with 4 bulbs of Cfl a total of 700w. i have a ph meter the first few weeks i had a problem the soil was to alkaline but i am ok in that issue at the moment. i might be putting little too much water, for that i might need to pay more attention. what do you thing is enough for 5L pot of soil??