Plant Problems?


I have four W.W. clones purchased from a dispensary that have these spots now. The spots were very noticeable yesterday. Mn deficiency? I have 2 clones from my current grow that have no spots and are doing excellent. HO T5 Lights. 5/10 GH nutes Lucas Formula at ppm 897@.7 conv. PH is 5.89 I have foliar fed last night and this am with 1/4 strength nutes. Is their something I can purchase at the Hydro Store to correct the problem? Is it a MN deficiency?plant probllems.jpgplant probllems 2.jpgplant probllems 1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Look like cal/mag deficiency, definitely rust spots visible. Buy some calcium magnisium from your grow store whatever brand you want to buy. Do a res change and add it into your res.


Current res is 10 gallons and is three days old. Can I just add botanicare cal mag(they have it at the Hydro store) to the current res or do I need to change the res and adjust PPM because of adding Cal/Mag? Thanx


Well-Known Member
Current res is 10 gallons and is three days old. Can I just add botanicare cal mag(they have it at the Hydro store) to the current res or do I need to change the res and adjust PPM because of adding Cal/Mag? Thanx
YOu should be able to add it. Try it .


I added 50ml PPM jumped to around 1200 so I added a couple gallons of RO to lower it to 1038? I wanted to catch this feeding cycle(12:00) I searched the net and some with 8/16 Lucas were using 10 ml per gallon and some only one.I cut that in half and used 5ml per gallon.The directions on the bottle for dirt is 5ml and accelerated formula is10ml. I will update thanx for the help


Well-Known Member
I added 50ml PPM jumped to around 1200 so I added a couple gallons of RO to lower it to 1038? I wanted to catch this feeding cycle(12:00) I searched the net and some with 8/16 Lucas were using 10 ml per gallon and some only one.I cut that in half and used 5ml per gallon.The directions on the bottle for dirt is 5ml and accelerated formula is10ml. I will update thanx for the help
The PPM is going to jump every time you put something in, even the dirt on your hands will make the PPM raise up some. Dont include the extra PPM your cal/mag adds to your res. Use whatever the bottle tells you to put per gallon. For instance when you do your next res change add the cal mag into the water first then do a PPM reading. Say it shows your PPM at 300, now lets add your nutes and take a PPM reading say your nutes are now at 1000 PPM subtract the 300 PPM from your reading.


Well-Known Member
What is "RO" and are there any sources of calcium/magnesium that are all natural? I recall someone saying something about some sort of limestone mix that has cal/mag in it.


Well-Known Member
RO = Reverse Osmosis ( Clean drinking water not from tap)
Reverse Osmosis filters a lot of stuff out of your water so thats why you need to add it to your res.


I wish it had directions on the bottle for Hydro. It doesn't. So far no results for the better? If anything a little worse? Is it to soon to expect results? The good news is they are still alive!!! LOL


Well-Known Member
I have used Botanicare Cal/Mag it has directions ..

Start low start at 3/ML per gallon and work your way up to 5ml-7ml per gallon later on.


Well-Known Member
that doesnt look like cal mag issues it looks like you foliar fed them when the lights were on. or without better pics it also looks like you have a gnat problem. what happens is the adult flys lay eggs under your leafs and then hatch the larva eat the leaf then fall into the rockwool where they eat the roots.


I don't folier feed . I did after this cropped up thou. I had 4 clones that I purchased about two weeks before this cropped up. They all 4 got it. I already had 2 clones of my own in the same tray and they don't have it? They seem like they stabilized and nothing on the new growth.


These four plants were rooted in cubes and then in a cup of dirt. I cleaned the dirt off the roots and put then in the 6 inch rockwool. I looked through the plants with a mag and did not see any signs of eggs or pests.IMG_9640.jpgIMG_9636.jpgclose up.jpgclose up 1.jpgcrop.jpg


Well-Known Member
that doesnt look like cal mag issues it looks like you foliar fed them when the lights were on. or without better pics it also looks like you have a gnat problem. what happens is the adult flys lay eggs under your leafs and then hatch the larva eat the leaf then fall into the rockwool where they eat the roots.
Dude I have never heard of fungus gnats laying eggs on leaves. They drop them in the Medium and the larvae feeds on roots.


Well-Known Member
These four plants were rooted in cubes and then in a cup of dirt. I cleaned the dirt off the roots and put then in the 6 inch rockwool. I looked through the plants with a mag and did not see any signs of eggs or pests.View attachment 1870470View attachment 1870471View attachment 1870472View attachment 1870473View attachment 1870474
I have never heard or seen fungus gnats laying eggs on leaves. I battle fungus gnats with predatory nematodes, no chemicals for me. I really think you have calcium/magnesium issues.