Plant problems?

Hi all could some one please help diagnose this ??

I can't really explain it the picture say a thousand words.

Thank you so much


Hi and thanks rm3 I have treated with Epsom salts after searching on here.

How long does it take to show signs of improvement in the case it isn't a mag def ?

Thanks again for your help


Well-Known Member
I would agree with the rest of the posts about it being mag def, as far as improvement goes any time you have a deficiency the affected leaves usually don't recover so the best way to tell is if no other leaves become like the affected just a def diagnosis chart i had on my copy paste hope this helps with anything in the future


Well-Known Member
Your soil looks a little dry. Hydroton in there might be affecting it. I've never done that. I don't know if it keeps it too wet in the root zone, that could affect how much O2 your roots are getting.


Well-Known Member
What is the plant in , soil?
How old is the plant and when did the problem start?
How's you PH?
Instead of salts, I use CaMag plus, which has added N. I would recommend using that. The leaves should react in around 2 to 3 day's with proper treatment. Looking at the picture, I would lean towards a N def instead of a Magnesium def. A Mag def will create brown spots around the margins of the leaf, and I can't see that in your picture.


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen def? I'm using magne cal as the local shop had none of the other. They are in soil and 4 weeks old
At 4 weeks, without amendment to the soil, there usually is a depletion of calcium and/or magnesium when using city tap water. Now is the time for the addition of Calmag, or a similar product into the nute formula. Some people say this is a waste of time in soil. Maybe real "dirt", but using potting soil, it needs help. PH also could be an issue, as it will "lock out" nute intake, especially if it is low (below 6 in soil) You have to stay in the 6.2 - 6.5 range for optimum uptake of your nutes, unless you are organic, then it is self regulating. A flush might not hurt, afterwards, start with a low PPM and build back up to your norm (in soil I would stay at no higher than 700 PPM, for an average plant. I have a Cotton Candy Cane growing now that burns at anything above 650 PPM, but I have other plants that kick ass at 900-1000 PPM in soil.
Me, myself would test soil runoff to make sure your PH is OK. That is where I would start. If you flush, take 2 pieces of wood and place them across a 5 gal bucket. Put your pot on top of the wood, run a mild nute formula thru your plant until you have filled the bucket (do a PH test then, and I will bet you are in the 4-5 PH range. If it is way out of wack, use hydrated lime which you can get at a garden center, and adjust your feed solution as needed)
Thanks Jim. I'Ve recalibrated my ph meter and will endeavour to sort this for Monday.

I've also had them on 24/0 but put them on 18/6 to remove any unneeded stress.

Guess it's all a learning curve.

I'm using a hydro mix 60% clay pebbles 40% coco.




Well-Known Member
Thanks Jim. I'Ve recalibrated my ph meter and will endeavour to sort this for Monday.

I've also had them on 24/0 but put them on 18/6 to remove any unneeded stress.

Guess it's all a learning curve.

I'm using a hydro mix 60% clay pebbles 40% coco.


Glad to help. 24 hrs on is a waste of energy, 18/6 all the way. When blooming, 11 on/ 13 off until the last 2 weeks, then 4 on/ 20 off.
Too many pebbles, unless you are in a drip/ flood and drain system. I would use more good quality soil, which has more innate nutrients and minerals, which now makes a lot more sense to me as why your plants look like that. Hand watered , like every 2 or 3 day's in that mix ain't going to fly in my opinion. You have zero medium that will store nutes, but will provides salts, which will lock you out. PH your nutes, go to 700PM, and never use that combination again if your are in a soil system. Use Fox Farm instead.
Thanks again Jim.

Shall I repot the plants into 18ltr pots but mix some coco in NO more clay pebbles??

Do you think that would work or is it just me being daft??

What do you mean by 700PM..... I think PH has a lot in this problem after reading your comments.

Thanks for taking the time to answer me.

Thanks Milovan, I'm under the same impression, I think its been due to the medium and Ph problems.

I just don't understand the 700PPM bit.



Well-Known Member
Thanks Milovan, I'm under the same impression, I think its been due to the medium and Ph problems.

I just don't understand the 700PPM bit.

I think it's the due to the medium also.
Can you switch to a rich soil to help balance
out the nuet intake and to correct
the def?
In soil I can help to correct defs but I'm not familiar with growing in the type of medium you use.
Hopefully others that have experience with the type of medium your using
will chime in. :-? :grin: