Plant probs, rust spots curling sides curling ends and crispyness


Well-Known Member

I wonder if you guy could help me ID a problem?

Set up
Hydro ebb N flow
PH 5.8
Canna softwater Nutes (should be well within ppm range about 500)
H2O2 5Ml/ 10 Litres

basically I started gettign some leaf curl on the ends and sides a few weeks ago with a few rust spots and one or two of the leaves were goign brittle on the ends - I saw this as mag deficiency and possible over nuting (although there were no more nutes than there were at the start) so I added an extra couple of buckets of clean water to dilute the nutes and a tbs of epsom salts for each 10 litres. The problem seemed to be ok then for a while obviously the damage had already been done to the leaves but no further damage was occuring.

Anyway it seems over the last day or 2 the problem has come back, I haven't changed the tank yet and have just been topping with clean water - I added some more mag this morning to see if that helps but it hasn't flooded yet so if anyone thinks this is a bad idea I can drain the tank.

Anyhow I have added some pics and would be really really really grateful for some advice cos I've had nothing but bad luck with this. :evil:

Thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
how long are the plants staying wet? what type of watering cycle are you running i know its ebb and flow and people most do 3 times daily. it sorrta looks like over water. or maybe root rot and keeping out nutes only things i can think of goodluck.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member

Thanks so much for the reply.

I have been watering 4 times a day for 15 mins when lights on, same as last time. The only thing that happened last week some time was I over rided the timer and forgot and left it flooding for a good couple of hours but I had a lot of this problem before that.

Any other ideas or comments gratefully accepted.



Well-Known Member
ppm about 500 until I put the epsom salts in obviously the ppm is way higher now.

no i dont think it started on the lower leaves


Well-Known Member
calcium def and a mag issue.

get some cal/mag, one tsp per gallon ;)

and stop using h202, it's killing your benneficial micros...
love, kp


Well-Known Member
Thanks KP, really appreciated.

I can't get calmag where I am so I will maybe have to buy calcium and magnesium seperately or am I ok sticking with epsom salt for the mag?

The only problem with not using H2O2 is that when I stop the tank gets all gunky quick, is there anything else I can do to stop that?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Ya, maybe get a air pump in there. Keep the light out of the tub too. What are your temps and humidity like?


Well-Known Member
Thanks KP, really appreciated.

I can't get calmag where I am so I will maybe have to buy calcium and magnesium seperately or am I ok sticking with epsom salt for the mag?

The only problem with not using H2O2 is that when I stop the tank gets all gunky quick, is there anything else I can do to stop that?
keep the water cool, keep the light out, and keep things clean, and you won't get algea. ;)

as for cal/mag, i order mine online. it's made by botanicare, and is sold at most online hydro stores, such as

epsom salts would help with the mag, but the calcium def will get worse; way worse. those spots are just the beginning... check my wet feet thread, first several weeks i went without cal/mag, and the plants suffered. there are some pix of some very sick leaves....



Well-Known Member
Thanks guys

I am keeping the light off the water and the water is staying cool, I am keeping everything as clean as poss but I still get a bit of algea if I don't use H2O2, I will try and be even cleaner if I can and see if that helps.

I can't get calmag they don't sell it in this country so I will have to buy some calcium additive to cover that.

I have an airstone in there, maybe I should try adding more - I did have it running 24 hours but the last couple of days I set it to timer so it only comes on 30 mions before each flood cycle so thats 4 times a day, is this ok or should it be on all the time?

Thanks again


Active Member
You should be changing the res min 1 once a week, only top up during this period with ph balanced water 5.6, the longer you use old solution in res the plants actually take what they want from the res/solution and by topping it up it doesnt replace the nutes that the plant so desires, this is a major cause to symptoms like yours also there should be no need to feed them 4 times a day if they are in rockwell cubes feed 30mins prior to lights coming on and then 6 hrs after that dont ever feed before the lights go off, the plants will be sleeping. Picture you sleeping in your bed and someone trying to spooon feed you while your fast a sleep its no different. If your room is extremely hot and dry you may need to add a feeding in between. You will also get salt build up in the cubes and its a good idea to give them straight water for 2-3 days after each res change to help bring the PH and PPM in the cubes back to normal. Get a syeringe and remove water from the cube and test it

fat sam

Well-Known Member
try bringing your ph up to 6-6.2 and i bet the mag issue will go away, different nutes are available at different ph levels so if your using a complete fertalizer you would be supperised how many defficency's you can cure with a slight raise or lower of ph, this is especially useful when you dont have access to a grow shop or nutes, i have a label off of a ph solution that shows at what ph the different nutes are most available at so if i see something like say a mag deff. i can either raise or lower the ph just a hair to the level where it is most available at


Active Member
I would suggest getting some literature. everyone here means well but there is really know way to know for sure what your hearing is right. I know everyone is helping but books give you a more scientific position. Anywho check this out

Infamous Zero

Active Member
Can someone tell me which book this is? Thank you.

I would suggest getting some literature. everyone here means well but there is really know way to know for sure what your hearing is right. I know everyone is helping but books give you a more scientific position. Anywho check this out