Plant Probs :(


Well-Known Member
I don't see a problem particularly. Hybrid seedlings sometime have imperfect leaves. As long as it's growing and you aren't doing anything obviously stupid then you shouldn't worry about very, very slightly misshapen leaves.
In future, if you have a problem you need to also tell us what you're growing in, lights, feeding, age etc etc.


I see your leaves are starting to curl up word and I have been having the same problem. I also have a yellow spot starting on one of my leaves. I think the curl is that it is a little too hot. I want to post my pictures and ask about my plants but I cant figure out how to upload my pictures or to start a new tread. i am new to this site like as of yesterday so if ypu or any one else can help me I would be very greatful.


Thanks everyone for the feed back, the set up is under 250w hps/mh and a few florescent 4ft bulbs, before i had them in a tent now i have moved them to a small room, with more ventilation. The temp before was reading 85 high and 69 low, and im using organic soil from walmart not sure how thats going to turn out, i believe i may need to feed them because the stems are very red. The temp now is only reaching highs of 79 :)


just click start new thread, and u should be able to attach pics etc. Also if u are having nute probs i use an app called the grow app check it out