Plant REALLLLLLY drooping?!?!?1

I have two plants (Bubba OG Kush & Blue Dragon) that I just moved from a florescent light to my bloom room with a 400 W high-pressure sodium light about a foot and a half away from the plants and now they're extremely extremely droopy now and have been for the first three days of the blooming period.

is this normal?:confused:
is there some thing should I do something about it?:confused:

Thanks guys and gals:joint:

I HAVE PICS NOW !!!DSC09623.jpgDSC09624.jpg


New Member
It has been known that blasting too much light on them all at once will do that. If you experienced such a cause and effect, pull back the lighting another foot to better acclimate them and see what happens. Also monitor your water situation since it is probably warmer than it was under the floro's


Well-Known Member
Its probably shocked or maybe not used to the heat. Help it stand and report back if it starts brownning. without pics its hard to give you a accurate answer.
thanks guys I will try to get some pictures as soon as I can my camera is out of order. haha out of order? haha


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Next time slowly aclamate them to the light by putting them in the veg box a few hours a day a week before you switch them to flowering. I would move the light up and make sure they are watered. When did you water them last? They can droop from over/under watering.