Plant showing? Help!


Active Member
IMG_1918.jpgI was wondering wether you can tell if this plant is male or female yet? Its under a microscope in this picture.


Active Member
Can's see anything in that pic that would determine sex long has it been flowering for?


Active Member
I believe in pic 2 I can see a pre-flower (female), it should look like a pear-shaped appendage with 2 little white hairs poking out...I stole this image from someone, but it should look like this pic below if its a female!
Too soon to tell by the looks of it. How long has it been on 12/12? Usually takes about 2 weeks to show its sex in my experience


Active Member
Take a pic of the whole plant if you can...It looks very light green (almost like lettuce), and I'm kind of curious to see its overall size/whatnot! Also, if you don't mind me asking, what's you setup like and what kind of lights are you using buddy?

Dandilion Patch

Active Member
You can't see anything, there is no preflowers there. Sorry man, wait a week or two and they might begin to show. Might still be early to tell after waiting a week or two.