Plant size to root ratio question :)

Excise It

Well-Known Member
Hey there I have a question, and it should be a relatively simply one to answer, or at least I hope so!

I had started my seeds (Critical Kush from barney's farm) in grodan rockwool blocks, 1 inch cubes, and after the roots came out the bottom, into 4 inch blocks and into DWC bubblers. I was uneasy about the bubblers as it was my first time, I got nervous about keeping the buckets cool....and keeping the air flowing...ect so I decided to put them into soil for my first grow instead.

They took very well to the soil, and the three gallon pots I put them in. They really are a vibrant green and nodes shooting off all over the place...I love it. however the plants are still fairly short, at about....6 inches (with 10 different nodes/branches all with their own little nodes/branches splitting off). From their website I read that this is a relatively small plant at 50cm...but the roots are already shooting out through the bottom of the pots. The biggest pots I have are 5 gallons (the ones I will transplant them to soon). My question is....these are the last pots I have...I can't find bigger in my area and it gets quite expensive shipping them to the island I live on. Will the 5 gallon pots be big enough? I didn't expect the roots to shoot out of these pots so fast (less than a week) and im having a hard time keeping the pots moist.

Any knowledgeable help would be greatly appreciated!


Excise It

Well-Known Member
So I can keep them in these pots for a bit longer then, until at least two or three feet, even though the roots are coming out of the bottom?

Thank you, iamjustthatguy :)


Well-Known Member
Already at the bottom of a 3 gal pot? Wow, that seems amazing! (I'm on my first indoor grow, but this seems surprising to me).

What are your other grow conditions? Space, lights etc. Pictures would be VERY helpful here, especially to us newbs.

I was at one of my local grow shops today and bought 3 gal buckets, but did see ones up to 25 gal. Depending on the size of your space, and if you want huge plants indoors, buy larger pots online, or as someone advised me earlier today on keeping plants in check, research 'root pruning'.

Here's a link upon my first search earlier:



Active Member
The only thing I would say is that when you transfer plants, you can sometimes induce stress so if your plant if already filling out that soil than maybe you should transfer.

Excise It

Well-Known Member
Well im growing two plants ( I wanted to go small for my first grow) in a 5/5/7 Framed out room with black and white poly wrapped around it. I'm using a 600W MH to veg, and 600W HPS to bloom (not in bloom yet). As for the pictures, I recently broke my card reader, so i'll need to buy one before I can post as my camera doesnt have a usb connection, sadly :/

We don't really have local hydroponic shops here, just nursery's for plants and the biggest pot they had was 5 gallon, which was what I got!

OH! Im also using general hydroponics lucas formula, ph adjusted for soil

Excise It

Well-Known Member
2-3 foot would be fine for me....I guess that's sort of a height requirement lol.... but nothing overly large..Im just looking to get a grow under my belt, and see how it turns out. Hopefully some good smoke


Well-Known Member
You can order fabric pots, you can find 5 packs on amazon of 5-7 gallon pots for 20-25$ shipped. Shipping for plastic pots is expensive not cus of the weight but the dimensions, you avoid that with fabric pots cus you can fold those and fit it in a much smaller box.