plant slow growth.


Well-Known Member
i have double gum, jack herer, and sweet mango auto. all between 3-4 weeks of age and this is how tall they are.DSCN1686.jpgDSCN1687.jpgDSCN1688.jpgDSCN1689.jpgDSCN1690.jpg i was thinking of adding .01 grams of blood meal(N) to a 3ml water solution at 6.5 with rapid start mixed with compost tea. what do you thin of adding this solution to speed up the growth a tad? it worked on a 5 week old jack herer and i think that was waiting to long. but what do you think?

Astral Zoom

Active Member
They look rather stretched out to me.. esp the first pic. Id put that light closer for sure. Why not use MH?


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro your definitely using the wrong spectrum for VEG.
Go with a metal hallide. HPS is for FLOWERING. Thats why you
have slow growth. They will grow under HPS nicely, BUT will respond
better to a Metal Hallide or any other good watt 6500k light
would LED's work just as well?


Well-Known Member
Get a 600w MH bulb in and drop it to about 18" above canopy. Assuming you have some air-cooling going on.

More light


Well-Known Member
yeah those plants are super stretched. drop those lights down to 2 feet atleast and check the temp with your hand at the top of the canopy.


Well-Known Member
Drop the light down. If thats MG they use a chit load od bark that messes with pH.