Plant so far couple questions(pics)


so this one has been growing for a couple months now havent been keeping track since i just randomly grew it..i have been keeping it on a shaky 12/12 sometimes i go over and it stays on for 20hours and back to 12 an 12 .im wondering when it will bud some of the pics show bud spots it just keeps getting taller and not many significant bud signs. Its about 4ft tall



New Member
as long as u got the 12 of darkness,u should bud
how long have u had it in flower....if its 4ft now and u just switched it,ur gonna need more light and alot of space
a couple cfl's wont cut it


It looks very stretched... are you sure there isn't a light leak in your cabinet? A light leak could keep it in that lanky veg forever... It may also just not have enough umph to bud... you need more light as has been said, so I won't belabor the point. :)


Active Member
if by spots you mean balls that signs of a male. A female is very easy to pick out, all you need to look for is a calyx with 2 pistils emerging for them point of the calyx. Males grow balls attached to more balls.

The fact that you are not keeping your plant on a consistent 12/12 schedule come stress the plant out switching its light cycle back and forth. Doing this may stress your plant to herm if it is female. Waiting 3 ft to flower, that plant is going to double to triple in size.. You are going to need side lighting to provide those bottom branches with enough light, or you could consider lollipopping which can be found in multiple threads and in the FAQs.

You have a lot to learn, but here is a great place to do it. :leaf:


Active Member
your plant will only bud if it is 12/12 every day not 12/12 today and 20/4 tomarrow it just wont bud like that. buy a timer and lightproof your growbox. and get a stronger light 150 watt hps will work good, by the way you will get monster bud off that thing if its a female looks like youve been veggin for a long ass time


yeah i think it has been veggin really long time plus with mirical grow. How long after i set it to a constant 12/12 will it finally bud and finish up. I might have to move it out of the cabinet and arange lights a different way and find a hps somewere for cheap


Well-Known Member
yeah i think it has been veggin really long time plus with mirical grow. How long after i set it to a constant 12/12 will it finally bud and finish up. I might have to move it out of the cabinet and arange lights a different way and find a hps somewere for cheap
and get rid of that tin foil !!


If you're moving out of the box, I'd definitely top the plant now... it'll help fill out the whole thing...

Also, yeah, you can get a good digital timer with battery backup for like $15... saves a lot of hassle (battery backup saves trouble when there are power outages... your plant might be stuck in the dark a little longer, but your schedule stays on track... :)