Plant Stench, Carbon Filter??


Well-Known Member
I wish I could tell you more but honestly forgot.
I remember someone saying they were not that efficient and the fan is a joke. I think.

Ya, just hit the gravity bong and im ripped.


Well-Known Member
personaly i think that fan wont pull anything i tried many combination and it just stops the fan from working at 100%

i built this and bought myself this!fan_$--50_shop both togetter came to about 100$ and so far well no one that comes at my house smells anything. and i have this growing in my bedroom closet :-)


Well-Known Member
i got one. I paid for the 60 dollar one. It works ok for the size, pulling in an incense smoke sticks smoke all the way in from like 6 in away and filtering. I also use a 6 in htg grobrite nad a ozone filter.

If I were you I would go to bghydro and buy one of their filters and put a fan on it.

i can tell you this about charcoal filters. comapines sometimes overate their cfm rating. For instance the htg grobrite 6 in i use a 6 in 430 cfm fan on and it is too strong. A 430 duct booster would work better.

Also look for how thick the packed bed is. Also look to see if it is refillable.

For the price it would depend. A lot of growers just pull through a light hood with a filter on one end and a fan on the other. If that is the case I would go to bg hydro and get one of their filters with a packed bed and go to hid hut and get a valueline fan to match. try to get a smaller cfm. Like a 8 in filter with a 6 in fan. Or a sim price a 6 in filter and a 4 in fan. That would work best.

Or if you are useing seperate exhaust to clean air and a seperate exhaust to cool light then you can get a 100 dollare filter and a 30 dollar duct fan and you could clean all that air no prob. If you are in a tent. I noticed my duct booster attacheed to a filter can cycle all the air nad clean it. Just got get it hooled up right.:)


Well-Known Member
my washroom fan runs pretty quiet for the 30$ it cost me its almost noisless. i use it to pull fresh air from the roof and have other one plugged on the carbon scrubber that i made and it exaust in my washroom figure i wont waste the heat ill heat my washroom :-) plus if i get to have smell i can take care of it in the washroom. i have regular 430w HPS with only bat wing on it. my temp stays around 75-85 and with lights off 65. the fan i use to blow air on my plants makes more noise then the freaking toilette fan.


Well-Known Member
Ive seen some links that explain how to make a homemade carbon scrubber.... anybody have any luck with these?

Also, I have a 2x3x7 grow closet with 2 super silver haze and 1 blueberry plant. If the WEED GODS bless me with 3 beautiful daughters and no boys (yah right) then would i really need a carbon scrubber?

Mind, im in an apt with nosy roomies


Well-Known Member
Ive seen some links that explain how to make a homemade carbon scrubber.... anybody have any luck with these?

Also, I have a 2x3x7 grow closet with 2 super silver haze and 1 blueberry plant. If the WEED GODS bless me with 3 beautiful daughters and no boys (yah right) then would i really need a carbon scrubber?

Mind, im in an apt with nosy roomies
yes you will. mine are 30 days into flowering (with a carbon filter n all) and it still stinks a lil, but only in the same room as the Homebox.