Plant stunned


Active Member
Hello! I just wish you guys can help me or just tell me that everything is ok .. I am growing 2 auto-flowerings for around a month and as they grow very slowy i am asking myself if they have been stunned or something for a unknow reason . ( i will upload picture soon tonight ) But i live in canada .. nights are normaly cold but i tried to keep my temperature pretty high in my grow tent ... ( not too high ) anyway .. i am growing two normal strain at the same time and they look normal and they grow well .. so i really don't know what's happening with the two babies..

Im growing in Coco (30-40%) - Soil (60-70%)
Light is CFL i'll give you more detail about it when i get home
i didnt put any nutrients in those yet.

Problem is : The lower leaf are turned yellow and the top stayed green but stopped growing about a week ago...


Active Member
here are the pictures ... i really hope you guys can help me with that .. i wonder what the hell is happening .... even the big one starts getting problem too ( both have some grey spot on their leaves )




Well-Known Member
What soil mix is that ??

is is it fox farms. ff holds a lot of water. over watering them maybe??= droopy leaves, stunted growth


Well-Known Member
My bad your just talking bout the little ones

in coco and dirt

not a lot of root development yet in such a big pot. I would just mist the base of the plant with nuted water every couple of days.

go easy on the lights not to burn the plants up that way to.